Hi guys,

I'm having a problem where it seems like I am either doing something wrong, 
or have things mis-configured.  Here's my issue:

We use the promotion plugin to trigger a parameterized build.  Basically, 
that parameterized build just rebuilds the same SVN revision, but has an 
extra step of pushing out to a website.

When I promote the build, I get this in the promotion status of the build 
that was promoted:

CopyTools » promotion » Push To Content Server #3

Legacy code started this job.  No cause information is available
Building on master in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CopyTools/workspace
Promoting CopyTools #7 <>
[parameterizedtrigger] no SubversionTagAction found -- is this project an SVN 
project ?
build hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.BuildTrigger@5e8956ff SUCCESS
Finished: SUCCESS

Then, in the build that was caused by the trigger, I get this:

Started by upstream project "CopyTools - WL/promotion/Push To Content Server" 
build number 3
originally caused by:

   Legacy code started this job. No cause information is available

I can look and see that the promotion caused the triggered build, because the 
second build was started by "Push To Content Server" build number 3, and those 

But is there any way to set this up so that there is actually a clickable link 
between the build that was promoted, and the build caused by the promotion?

Right now, I have to do a manual search to find the triggered build, based on 
the "Started by" text, and its really a pain.

Thanks for any advice,


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