Dear jenkins experts,

We have a set of jobs/projects where each job is run on 6-8 nodes and we
are seeing that the chain of jobs is held up when one of the nodes goes
offline. The relevant plugins installed in our jenkins installation are:
 Parameterized Trigger Plugin  2.13, Conditional BuildStep Plugin 1.0,
and Run Condition Plugin 0.8.  We do have a time-out specified for each
job, but it is set to 6 hours because the build includes running tests,
which together can take 4-5 hours on one node.  We also observe that
occasionally when one of the nodes goes offline that the chain is on hold
for more that the 6 hours, so the time-out doesn't appear to be always
working.  Regardless, we would like to not wait for the time-out and have
jenkins ignore any node that is offline and continue on with the next job.
 Is that possible?   The jobs are linked with "Build other projects" and
"Trigger even if the build fails".

David Alexander

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