I have Ant configured with Ivy. I am playing around with the Ivy
Report Plugin which also installs the Ivy plugin. I've created a
"Build an Ivy project", and configured it, so it builds. However, I
can't get it to produce an Ivy Report.

I have the Graphviz Dot file path defined, (I've tried it as just the
directory to the dot.exe file and as the full path of the dot.exe

I have my "ivy.xml" file in my project configuration as "ivy.xml" and
the rest of the Ivy Module Configuration lines blank. I don't have
modules, and I don't use branches. I tried putting my ivysettings.xml
file there, but it depends upon the property "ivy.dir" being defined,
and that's defined in the build.xml when it executes.

Under Post Build steps, I have the "Publish Ivy dependency report"
set. I have "compile,default" in my "Ivy Configurations", and I have
tried Resolve ID as both blank and "com.travelclick-crypto"

If I leave everything blank in the Publish Ivy dependency report", I
get an Ivy Report link, but clicking it makes a blank page. If I put
something in that field, I get a "Module Builds" section on my builds
page, but it simply says "Module build information for aggregated
builds is still under development".

I've got Ivy working with my projects, and I even have a "ivy.report"
target that hits the <ivy:report> task and produces the Ivy reports in
HTML, GRAPHML, and DOT formats. I just thought it would be nice if we
could display this on the build page.

David Weintraub

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