Hi there!

I have a problem with my jenkins authenticating against the SVN. The users 
and their credentials are stored in an LDAP server. Problem is, that from 
time to time the LDAP server refuses authentication without any reason. You 
can see that this has happened if you look at the project's configuration. 
You will get an error message like

Unable to access https://svn............../trunk : svn: E200015: OPTIONS 
/svn................../trunk failed (show details)(Maybe you need to enter 

under the SVN configuration.

The problem now seems to be that the SVN credentials are being forgotten - 
the error won't go away on its own, even if the LDAP is working again. 
However, if you enter the right credentials, the error will be gone 

I do know that this is a problem with our LDAP rather than with Jenkins or 
the SVN plugin, but maybe you know a way around this? Is there a way to 
have that fixed without having to enter the credentials over and over 
again, each time the LDAP fails (for a few minutes)?

Thanks in advance


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