Hi Jerome,
I want all the information in tabular format. If you refer to my original
email i had the JUNIT groovy template that you have.
Your/My original template will actually print something like this:
Testcase | Status | Pass | Fail | Skipped | Total
Name : abc
Status : Pass
For the template part, here's some header variables (I do the same with
jelly but I replace the value before giving the template to emailExt):
style_default = "font-family:Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif; font-size:11px;
style_header = "color: black;"
style_bg1 = "color:white; bac
I can give you my template I used to have when non pipeline (haven't tested
it into the pipeline, I went Jelly). Here's the code for JUnit part
<% def junitResultList = it.JUnitTestResult
if (junitResultList.size() > 0) { %>
JUnit Tests
<% it.JUnitTestResult.each{ junitResult ->
On Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 11:45:16 AM UTC+5:30, Baptiste Mathus
> So what does not work? What is the error?
Code : I want to print TestName after parsing the JUNIT xml. I want to
parse the jUNIT and fill the table,
Test Name
<% def junitResultList = it.JUnitTestResul
So what does not work? What is the error?
Le 24 nov. 2016 6:21 AM, "Bubunia Patra" a
écrit :
Hi all,
I am new to groovy and the syntax is very confusing and error prone and
written a template to work with Email-Extn plugin. I want to add the test
result in the tabular format as below. Can anyon
Hi all,
I am new to groovy and the syntax is very confusing and error prone and
written a template to work with Email-Extn plugin. I want to add the test
result in the tabular format as below. Can anyone help me in this regard?
For exp if 1 test executed then i want a table in