I am trying to include a html markup to include a screen shot as a link in 
test result page of jenkins. Follow is what I am doing in the code.

I have an errorList<String> for soft assertion and an error is added to it 
incase if I see a mismatch between actual and expected and in case of a 
missmatch I take a screen shot and add 
errorList.add("\nError snapshot :<a href='file:\\\\" + file.getPath() + "' 
target='_blank' >" + error + "</a>") so that on browser it can appear as 
link instead of test however, in jenkins testresult page I see it as a text 

Error snapshot :<a 
 target='_blank' >Error</a> not a hyper link. can anyone tell me how to make it 
work to show as a link instead of just text.


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