JESS: How to get a Rule to fire once for each item in a List?

2001-11-27 Thread colin harris
Hi, I have a List of items say [1 2 3 4] and i want to get a Rule to fire for each item in the List. Any help on how this might be done would be much appreciated. (defrule processList (SOMETHING HERE??) => (printout t ?itemInList crlf)) regards colin har

JESS: test and call of an EntityBean from Jess

2001-08-01 Thread colin harris
Hi, I am using Jess6.0a2 embedded in an enterprise java bean application. I have a number of EntityBeans, that when they are created, i store their reference in the Rete object like this: + "INSTANCE", entityBean); rete.executeCommand("(assert (" + name + " " + id + "(fet