hi...i am using the recommend rule mentioned in JIA as follows

(defrule recommend-ipod-nano
(object (is-a Customer)
(customer-id ?id)) 
(not (and (object (is-a SalesOrder)(OrderNumber ?order)(customer-id ?id))))
(object (is-a LineItem)(OrderNumber ?order)(partnumber ?part))
(object (is-a Product)(partnumber ?part)(name “ipod nano”)) 
(printout t “The Customer” ?id “should be recommended to purchase the
product” ?part "whos ordernumber is" ?order crlf)) 

As you can see I have used (object(is-a *) becuase I ahve used the mapped
class from Proetege KB.

the rule gets defined and says TRUE....but when I (run)....it shows no
effect.....whats the reason......also I ahve uploaded instances as
facts..for products..etc......pls adivse ASAP.....

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