I'm using an open ldap database for LDAPUserManagement. The userPassword store in the ldap database is SHA.
I've *replaced* the Unix.crypt() method that's currently in jetspeed-1.4/1.5 services/security/ldap/LDAPUserManagement with the following:
------- public String encryptPassword( String password ) throws JetspeedSecurityException { ...... // passwordsAlgorithm = SHA MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(passwordsAlgorithm); byte[] digest = md.digest(password.getBytes("UTF-8")); ByteArrayOutputStream bas = new ByteArrayOutputStream(digest.length + digest.length / 3 + 1); OutputStream encodedStream = MimeUtility.encode(bas, "base64"); encodedStream.write(digest); return bas.toString(); } --------
passwordsMatch() calls encryptPassword() and is returned an encrypted string from the user suppliedPassword (gathered during the login process).
user.getPassword() is retrieved from the ldap database and substringed to remove the passwordsSuffix {SHA}.
However, when suppliedPassword is encrypted during encryptPassword() the return value is *truncated*. The result is that user.getPassword.equal(encrypted) returns false failing the login process.
Here's the DEBUG:
ERROR LDAPUserManagement - DEBUG: passwordsMatch(): userPassword [from ldap]: mr6iBOhZVdzyIoZkBjTMpT1qyf8= encrypted [from encryptPassword]: mr6iBOhZVdzyIoZkBjTMpT1q suppliedPassword :jetspeed
Any clues to my problem?
Thanx in advance,
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