Once I install Maven , ant, Jetspeed.
Where can I get jetspeed pulg in and how to install that plug in .
Can any body help me.
Thanks in advance
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I'm getting this error using j2 pre_portalurl_refactor_20041015 and
J1.6 Head as of nov 5, 2004.
2004-11-06 13:12:45,316 [TP-Processor3] ERROR FusionAccessController -
error in fusion access controller
at org.apache.jetspeed.Jetspeed.getComponentManage
hello all,
I am working with jetspeed 1.5.
My problem is that i cannot find the right maven command to deploy my
jetspeed application and copy all compiled files into
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed directory without first building the jar
file and the copy it into $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder.
Bhiyavudh Suwanchinda wrote:
Dear List,
Hope someone could clarify a few issues for us. We are keen to learn about a portal
software solution, based on the JSR 168 spec.
Jetspeed -1 is NOT based on JSR 168. Will Jetspeed 2 be compliant? Does anybody know when the first stable binary release is pla
J2 now supports a variety of role/group profiling features and is having
role based access security grafted in today.
Is it J2 specific feature or is it required in JSR 168 portal/portlet?
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