Hi All,

I have a problem using the Forward service.  Here is the situation:

I have a set of portlets one of them has a detail link that uses
<jetspeed:forward> to forward to a different page.psml and portlet.  Once I
am done with that portlet I would lile to go back to where I came from.
So I declared another forward to the pane that I came from.  The forward to
a portlet works like a champ, but the forward back does not.

Here is my forwards declaration:

        <forward name='highbill'>
            <page name='default.psml' role='csr'/>
            <pane id='P-f9a04b6fec-10001'/>
        <forward name='billnoticedetail'>
            <page name='billnoticedetail' role='csr'/>
            <portlet id='P-fa5ec14b8a-10001' action='controls.Maximize'/>

What I think is happening is <jetspeed:pane> tag on the Home.jsp checks for
the js_peid.  js_peid is the id of the portlet on the "billnoticedetail"
page i.e. <portlet id='P-fa5ec14b8a-10001' action='controls.Maximize'/>.
This messes everything up as all I want is to go to a pane on the default
page.  The tag on the Home.jsp is this <jetspeed:pane name="default"/> and
the code for the tag:

if (data != null && data.getUser() != null)
 JetspeedTool jt = new JetspeedTool(data);
 String jspeid = (String) data.getUser().getTemp("js_peid");
 if (jspeid != null)
     result = jt.getPortletById(jspeid);
     result = jt.getPane(this.name);

>From this code it seems that I will never be able to hit the pane specified
in the forward declaration no matter what I do.  Has anyone had a similar
issue?  How did you resolve it?

Currently I only see one way of doing it is to have a hidden form and have
my "Back" link submit that form.  That form would call a Turbine Action that
will do a Java ForwardService.forwardDynamic() call.  But that seems a
little excessive to me.



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