I have created a Jetspeed 1.5 portlet action that takes some portlet 
config. parameters, caches some data from an external source (based on the 
config parm.'s,) and displays the results in the portlet.  I am using the 
default customizer to handle all of the portlet config. parameters, and my 
action class extends GenericMVCAction.  I want to be able to invalidate 
the cached data when the user changes some of the configuration parameters 
so that the data is retrieved on the next build* request... is there any 
way to do this while still using the default customizer?  Is the action 
class ever "notified" during the actual saving of the config. data (i.e. 
could I override a method on GenericMVCAction to know when the user is 
saving changed data?)  Otherwise, is there some way to tell when my build* 
method is called that the user has just saved their portlet configuration?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Eric Olson

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