Hi Ken,
if nothing else, you can always run Ant from Maven :
Kind regards
Heikki Doeleman
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> I don't think anyone has written a maven plugin for this purpose yet. If
> you
If you're getting this error you somehow still have a version of the
Person class in your classpath with bindings compiled using the older
version of the JiBX jars. The new version of jibx-run.jar does have a
tool which lets you view information about compiled bindings:
Hi Prateek,
I didn't know of any problems in this area. If you can add this into
Jira (http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10410) I'll
see about getting it fixed for 1.2.2. Please provide a sample Ant-based
project build that demonstrates the problem.
- Dennis
Hi Karel,
I like the classpath:binding.xml path idea for precompiled bindings, and
will see if I can easily add that. I'll also take a look at your maven
precompiled bindings classloading fix for 1.2.2.
- Dennis
Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting
Hi Andrea,
Munging the generated code in the AST with a ClassDecorator valueAdded()
or finish() method is the only way you can currently do this. You should
only need to change the initializer for the field to make this work.
Changing the initializer to your own custom List implementation will
Hi Joris,
Yes, CodeGen is happy to generate 1.4-compatible source code. Use
customizations enumeration-type='simple' (rather than 'java5') and
repeated-type='array' or 'untyped' (rather than 'typed').
I thought I'd provided an example of this, but I don't see it - I'll see
about adding one for
Hi Ken,
I don't think anyone has written a maven plugin for this purpose yet. If
you understand how maven works (I don't, much) you might be able to
write such a plugin yourself. Otherwise, perhaps someone else on the
list is doing something of this type?
- Dennis
Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and
You're correct in your understanding of how this works in 1.2.1 vs.
1.1.6. This restructuring with the added OutByteBuffer layer was done to
support XBIS encoding and decoding, which is implemented in 1.2.X (and
used by the JiBX/WS code in development) but not yet documented.
Can you provide mo
Hi Alberto,
If you want to distinguish between these different instances of the
UnidadeMedida date you need to use different element names - otherwise
there's no way for JiBX to tell which instance is meant to go where. You
could do this by changing the definition for the UnidadeMedida
data s