The HTML Parameter Mask works great for me, but the counter always starts at
zero no matter what I specify for a lower bound. Is this a tool defect or a
user defect?
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JMeter has been updated to support the configuration manager provided by
Excalibur-logger, and should find its way into the nightly jars in a day or
For details, have a look in and logkit.xml.
[Basically just define the property log_config as the name of the config
Dnia czw 18. marca 2004 21:39, Todd Parnell napisaĆ:
> Hi all,
> I encountered a problem with cookies coming back from Oracle9iAS where
> cookies would have leading spaces in the domain portion. For instance,
> 'domain=;'. Both IE6 on W2K and Moz 1.6 on W2K and Linux
> trim the do
3 matches
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