Hi *,
I am trying to test the following situation with JMeter:
I have a jsp page (X.jsp) that needs a large amount of data to be retrieved 
from the db and processed. 
It takes a lot of time to get the response from the server and sometimes times 
To solve this, I have another wait page (Wait.jsp) that gets refreshed every 5 
seconds and queries the session to see if the data has been loaded on the 
session, and when it is, the X.jsp is displayed.
The test looks like this:
HTTP Request (Path: .../X.do)
        Regular Expression Extractor (Reference Name: title; Regular 
Expression: <title>(.*)</title>)
Loop Controller (Loop Count: 10)
        If Controller (Condition ("${title_g1}" == "Wait"))
                Constant Timer (5000 ms)
                HTTP Request (Path: .../Wait.jsp)
                        Response Assertion (Patterns to Test: something from 
the X page)
                        Regular Expression Extractor (Reference Name: title; 
Regular Expression: <title>(.*)</title>)
        (end if)
(end loop)
... other HTTP Requests
The idea was that:
- once the X page is returned, the other iterations will do nothing;
- if the server is loaded and it will take hours to respond, only wait for a 
predefined time (no of iterations x timer)
In the iteration i (1<=i<=10), the response is indeed the X page, so the 
assertion passes, but the title_g1 variable doesn't get assigned the title of 
the X page.
So, the if is true in the following iterations and I continue to call the Wait 
page after the X page has been returned.
This is because the title_g1 has always the value assigned in the first Regular 
Expression Extractor, from the HTTP Request (Path: .../X.do).
How can I solve this?
I cannot use assertions to stop the thread because I have other HTTP Requests 
that follow and must be tested.

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