JTL file. If you don't
want that, write the data to a different file name each time, e.g.
with a timestamp in it.
On 12/09/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sebb,
>It is working fine now. I might not have configured it properly earlier.
> But there is no way throu
the configuration to save the file in a
non-default format?
If you can't solve the problem, send me a small example privately.
On 01/09/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
>Anyone come across this problem?
> Regards,
> Kakoli
> -----Original
Hi Sebb,
From JMeter-Wiki I saw that JMeter does not support HTML pages having
applets or java-script. Does it give any error on testing sites having these
which is evident from the View Results Tree?
To un
For service-level violation checks like checking against expected response time
of the request, can Duration Assertion be used?
-Original Message-
From: Sen, Kakoli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 12:41 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Queries on JMeter.
2 queries on JMeter :
#While recording of requests, does JMeter save any browser-specific
settings onto the samplers? If not, then recording through IE/Netscape/Firefox
should produce the same script file.
# Is there any provision for service-level violation checks like checking
Hi Sebb,
Does JMeter support backward compatibility, i.e., scripts from previous
version can be reused with current version? Any documentation on that?
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Hello all,
Anyone come across this problem?
-Original Message-
From: Sen, Kakoli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:14 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Problem in reading of Graph Results.
Hi all,
I am saving the Graph Results onto a
browser. But how do I ensure the same through JMeter proxy?
-Original Message-
From: Sen, Kakoli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:56 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: RE: TPN POSSIBLE SPAM:RE: TPN POSSIBLE SPAM:Jmeter proxy recording
>From the browser tool bar, click "tools -> internet options". This should
>bring up the options.
21.Select the "connection" tab
22.Click "lan settings" button near the bottom.
23.On the connections tab, check "Use a proxy server for your LAN". The address
and port
fields should be enabled no
l only see it
in the request in a later request. You should look in the response or in the
next request to the same domain.
Alexander J Turner Ph.D.
-Original Message-
From: Sen, Kakoli [ <mailto:[
Hi all,
I am saving the Graph Results onto a file by specifying a .jtl file in the
'FileName' textfield of Graph Results. The saving format is in xml. The file is
getting saved in the disc with data.
The next time I open JMeter, I try to read the existing file by clicking
'Browse' button. I
th a tree viewer, then you get the cookies turning up in
the recorded headers. You can then copy these over to the cookie manager.
Alexander J Turner Ph.D.
-----Original Message-
From: Sen, Kakoli [ <mailto:[EMAIL
Hi all,
I am recording requests to an HTTP site which uses cookies, through
JMeter's proxy. But the proxy does not seem to record the cookies. Is that so?
Then how do I test a web-site having cookies? I intend to use the Cookie
Manager with hard-coded cookie values, which I thought would
t; > > http.proxyHost
> > > http.proxyPort
> > >
> > > Try these - the -D flag can be used, or the
> system.properties file.
> > >
> > > Looks like a bug should be raised; the sampler should probably
> > > behave like the Apache Htt
late them directly?
> On 24/08/06, Karr, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm seeing the problem with both the SOAP/XML-RPC Request and
> > HTTPClient request. I don't have a WSDL, so I can't use the
> > WebService(SOAP) request.
> >
> > >
Hi Sebb/Peter,
I understand from David's mail chain that there is a problem on firing SOAP
requests from behind authenticated proxy in 2.2. In my case, I do not get the
error on NTCredentials in the console. But in View Results Tree, The Request
and Response data are blank. And Sampler Resu
checking of a response; it
supports image files because Java can display them, and XML because
someone contributed the code.
There are so many different file types out there that it is not
possible to support them all.
On 24/08/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>For S
For SWF files, in the View Result Tree, the HTTP response code shows 200,
Ok. But the response data is illegible. Why is it so?
Thanks & Regards,
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Is it through the 'SOAP/XML-RPC Request' or
'WebService(SOAP)' Request?
So in 2.2, these requests cannot pierce authenticated proxy?
-Original Message-
From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:59 AM
To: JMeter Users List
ated proxy?
Thanks & Regards,
-Original Message-----
From: Sen, Kakoli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:23 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Problem with running web-service(SOAP) request
Hi all,
The web-service is a public one from xmethods.net imple
Hi all,
Does JMeter support integration with any defect tracking /requirement
management tool?
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Hi all,
The web-service is a public one from xmethods.net implemented in Glue.
I am able to load the WSDL file. Also 'url' and other fields are also getting
populated on pressing 'Configure'. I am loading SOAP message via 'FileName'.
I have to go through an authenticated proxy server. So I ch
thanks should go to the contributor of the code carl nygaard. it's his
generous contribution that made it possible.
On 8/22/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sebb,
> Thanks for that. If I am able to try on that, I shall post to the group.
> Regards,
Hi Sebb,
Thanks for that. If I am able to try on that, I shall post to the group.
-Original Message-
From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 4:08 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: JMeter proxy server supporting HTTPS
The nightly build 2-2
I am able to load the WSDL file. Also 'url' and other fields are also
getting populated on pressing 'Configure'. I am loading SOAP message via
i) For testing web-service on the local network, 'Use HTTP Proxy' is unchecked.
And things run fine.
ii) For testing web-service on t
rted in JMeter. If that is so, then JMeter can also include recording of
HTTPS in its future road-map.
-Original Message-
From: sebb [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:40 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: JMeter proxy server supporti
o: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: JMeter proxy server supporting HTTPS
On 17/08/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>JMeter's proxy server does not support HTTPS. Is it because of jdk bug?
No, this is because it is not possible to extract the information
needed to c
-Original Message-
From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:52 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: JMeter proxy server supporting HTTPS
On 17/08/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>JMeter's proxy server does not support
JMeter's proxy server does not support HTTPS. Is it because of jdk bug? The
manual says :
'There is a bug in the handling of HTTPS via a Proxy (the CONNECT is not
handled correctly). See Java bugs 6226610'
Is it that a fundamental protocol like HTTPS is not supported even in Jdk1.5?
Depends on the driver. You can get it from driver manual.
-Original Message-
From: Sabrina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:59 PM
To: jmeter-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Making a JDBC with MS Access
I was just wondering where I would be able to find the por
Where do I get some documentation on this? Could not find anything in User
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Subject: Re: Error in running JDBC Request
In 11/08/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sebb,
> Thanks for the reply. It is running now.
> Actually, I was trying to create the connection pool from the stand-alone
> program. And then use it in JMeter. Because
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 7:08 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: Error in running JDBC Request
In 11/08/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sebb,
> Thanks for the reply. It is running now.
> Actually, I was trying to create the connection poo
Hi all,
Does JMeter support any of these: EJB, protocols like RMI and secured-FTP?
Even pointer to any doc. on this will do.
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JMeter works fine with MySQL; others have used it with Oracle etc.
On 09/08/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> The Java standalone program connects through standalone connection, not
> pooled one.
> And in JMete
n 08/08/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>I am running JDBC request with JMeter 2.2. Database is MSAccess2000.
> And driver used is Atinav aveConnect 2.0 JDBC Driver which is type3 and
> supports JDBC2.0 API(including connection pooling). But on run
Hi all,
I am running JDBC request with JMeter 2.2. Database is MSAccess2000.
And driver used is Atinav aveConnect 2.0 JDBC Driver which is type3 and
supports JDBC2.0 API(including connection pooling). But on running, the test
plan error comes :
2006/08/08 16:16:17 ERROR - jmeter.protocol
Hi all,
Using JMeter 2.2, jdk1.5.0_03.
Could run HTTPS requests through my company's proxy server even though the
manual says about a Java bug.
But when I run the test for the first time a JDK dialog box pops up asking to
enter keystore password.
I enter 'changeit'. The console gives error:
Just add an empty cookie manager. Isn't that logging you in?
-Original Message-
From: Labudu Gopanna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 11:17 AM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: RE: HTTP Authorization manager question
Thanks for reply,
I have added cookie manager bu
Thanks! Sorry, I overlooked the $. Now, it is working.
-Original Message-
From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 4:48 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: Extraction of data from HTTP response.
On 31/07/06, Sen, Kakoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes you are right. You need to use Post-Processor Regular Expression
> Extractor to extract the value. You can try (\D)(\w*)(\D)..though im not
> sure. Set the template "$2$". You can refer user manual.
> Chinmoy
> "Sen, Kakoli" <
Hi all,
Am relatively new to JMeter. Using version 2.2.
>From an HTTPResponse, I have to extract the custId which comes in HTML body
>like this :
Customer data already exists. Customer Id for the existing record is 1097
I have to extract 1097 and set it to a variable to be used in a subsequen
Hi all,
I am new to Jmeter. As far as I understood, HTTP proxy server in JMeter is
needed for recording HTTP requests. So it needs to run in the same machine as
Jmeter(ie.e., localhost).
I am doing testing from behind the company's proxy server. But for local
addresses like servers runni
Hello everybody,
The problem is solved. And the stuff is working with the proxy authentication
>-Original Message-
> From: Sen, Kakoli
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 5:06 PM
> To: 'JMeter Users List
Hello everybody,
I am a newcomer to JMeter. I am trying to run the TestPlan given in
'Building a Web Test Plan' section of UserManual. JMeter version used is
2.2 and JDK version is 1.5
JMeter is firing HTTP requests to an external site(jakarta.apache.org) from
behind the firewall.
So I am runn
e: Problem in running Web Test Plan
Hi Kakoli,
you can add "listners" to get the results. try to use "View Results Tree"
to get the request and response messages in the JMeter window. Just go
thru the usermanual for better understanding.
"Sen, Kakoli" &
Hello everybody,
I am a newcomer to JMeter. I am trying to run the TestPlan given in 'Building
a Web Test Plan' section of UserManual. JMeter version used is 2.2
And I am getting the following output:
07/07/06 15:48:31|20779|Home Page|Non HTTP response code|Non HTTP response
message|Jakarta USe
I am trying to run the TestPlan given in 'Building a Web Test Plan' section
of UserManual. JMeter version is 2.2
And I am getting the following output:
07/07/06 15:48:31|20779|Home Page|Non HTTP response code|Non HTTP response
message|Jakarta USers 1-1|text|false
The last value 'false' corr
48 matches
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