GUERARD Elisabeth wrote:
> Dear all,
> A question:
> Here an web application must be tested by using JMETER, this web
> application uses the authentification by form, it means
> Called a page /MyProject/j_security_check
> and send the following parameters with the request
> - j_username
> - j_password
> After this request a constant timer needs to be defined about 300
> milliseconds otherwise the following error appears:
> Load time: 15
> HTTP response code: 408
> HTTP response message: The time allowed for the login process has been
> exceeded.
> If you wish to continue you must either click back twice and re-click
> the link you requested or close and re-open your browser
> Is it the way to process with a constant timer?
> Thank you in advance for suggestion ,
> Eli
I don't think its a Constant Timer, I think it needs an HTTP Cookie Manager
with the default policy. The web-service would like to know that your
"browser" is still signed-in, and so its looking for a cookie that has to be
set. :working:
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