
I want to post several null parameters along with some with values.  When I
record using the proxy server, the null values are not recorded, which is
OK, as  can add them in.

The problem is that if I save the httpsample and load it back in, the Null
parameters are lost and need to be added in again.  I don't want to do this
because I have an Interleave logic controller with 100 different iterations
and I also want to save the tests and transfer them to another machine.

Below is what I get when I save as (which is what I want), but loading it
back in and saving will lose the customerRef, name etc.. fields and keep
only the ones with values

type="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.HttpTestSample" name="Post
Account Number" getImages="false">
<property name="port">7001</property>
<property name="name">/mercury/servlet/DispatchServlet</property>
<property name="PROTOCOL">http</property>
<property name="domain">cartman</property>
<property name="arguments"><Arguments>
<argument name="customerRef"></argument>
<argument name="accountId">ACC001</argument>
<argument name="name"></argument>
<argument name="eventSource"></argument>
<argument name="postalCode"></argument>
<argument name="exact">true</argument>
<argument name="_WAF_ACTION_setParameters(customerRef, accountId, name,
eventSource, postalCode, exact)">Search</argument>
<property name="path">/mercury/servlet/DispatchServlet</property>
<property name="method">POST</property>

Is there a way around this (I am more a tester than a developer and so have
extremely limited Java knowledge myself)?  Can a fix be added in to the next




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