uesday, June 22, 2004 2:13 PM
> To: JMeter Users List
> Subject: Re: JMeter 1.9.1 bottlenecked
> >From first hand experience, running a test with 50 threads is usually
> enough to saturate the network IO. This is with static HTML and
> tomcat4/5.
> one way t
: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: JMeter 1.9.1 bottlenecked
>From first hand experience, running a test with 50 threads is usually
enough to saturate the network IO. This is with static HTML and
one way to overcome this is to access the webserver from two different
ethernet ports.
>From first hand experience, running a test with 50 threads is usually
enough to saturate the network IO. This is with static HTML and
one way to overcome this is to access the webserver from two different
ethernet ports. For example, my dev environment at home include 4
servers. My X1
Have you tried java -server?
The latest version of JMeter is 2.0.1, which should be better performing, as
well as offering more functionality.
Otherwise, try using non-gui mode - that is more efficient.
It might be better to run several non-Gui runs in parallel, and combine the
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