Thanks very much for all your responses - here is a summary of the information:

24   Respondents
62   OS/JVM combinations

Java versions
39  JVM 1.4
22  JVM 1.5
 1  unkown

OS types
37  Windows
16  Linux
 4  Unix
 4  OS X
 1  VMS

JMeter versions
30  2.0.3
14  CVS
 2  2.0.2
 4  2.0.1
 2  1.9.1
 1  1.8
 9  Unknown

As can be seen, the majority of platforms are using JVM 1.4.
No users reported using Java 1.3.

Over half the installations are on Windows, the rest being some form
of Unix (apart from 1 on VMS).


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