
I use the following script to duplicate a model in the Jmol window:

scpt = 'center;var mod2 = "' + Jmol.getPropertyAsString(jmolApplet0,
"extractModel") + '";';
scpt += 'set echo top left;echo;set appendNew false;var z=' + bbMax() + ';';
scpt += 'select *;translateSelected {@z @z 0};load APPEND "@mod2";';
scpt += 'hover "";select *;wireframe 0.15;spacefill 23%;boundbox
{*};centerat boundbox;minimize CLEAR;';
scpt += 'for (var i = 1; i < {*}.length +1; i++){ {*}[i].atomno = i }';
Jmol.script(jmolApplet0, scpt);

bbMax() simply calculates the longest dimension of the bound box. This all
works, BUT the resulting model pair has a Jmol state problem. I can write a
state, but it will not restore. Is my atomno renumbering screwing this up?

The renumbering may seem strange, but I'm working with edited models, and
the renumbering prevents atomno overlap produced by duplicating edited

This is not a huge problem. I'm just curious if the renumbering is the
guilty party.


Otis Rothenberger
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