
New features include:

-- more SMILES/SMARTS options, including OpenSMILES, Strict Hueckel 4+2,
and MMFF94 options.

show smiles/open
show smiles/strict
show smiles/mmff94
show smiles/noaromatic

InChI.js library for JSmol

-- more polyhedra options

-- very simple CIF format


new feature: polyhedra POINTS x.y
  -- adds variable size spherical points at corners of polyhedra
  -- color is that of element, or black

new feature: show SMILES/xxxx
 -- xxxx = open, strict, openstrict, mmff94

new feature: show chemical NAME
 -- singular "name" gives just the first name; "names" gives full list

new feature: full implementation of OpenSMILES aromatic model

new feature: {*}.find("SMILES/open")
 -- generates OpenSMILES string for selected atoms
 -- applies OpenSMILES aromaticity rules for 5-, 6-, and 7-membered rings
 -- not chemical -- allows exocyclic c=C bonds and [nH] in 6-membered rings
 -- also adds atom class if property_atomClass is nonzero
 -- for example:

    $ load $2-butanol
    $ @2.property_atomclass=2
    $ @3.property_atomclass=3
    $ @5.property_atomclass=5
    $ print {*}.find("smiles/open")


new feature: /open option for smiles.find("SMILES", pattern)
 -- applies OpenSMILES model of aromaticity
 -- finds aromaticity-normalized pattern "in" aromaticity-normalized smiles
 -- can be after SMILES or as beginning of pattern
    $ print "OC1=CC(N)=CC=C1".find("SMILES","NC1=CC(O)=CC=C1")
    $ print "OC1=CC(N)=CC=C1".find("SMILES/open","NC1=CC(O)=CC=C1")
    $ print "OC1=CC(N)=CC=C1".find("SMILES","/open/NC1=CC(O)=CC=C1")

new feature: compare("smile1","/open/smiles2")
 -- applies OpenSMILES model of aromaticity
 -- checks for match of atom class if present (default value 0 matches "not
 -- does aromaticity normalization on both strings
    $ print compare("OC1=CC(N)=CC=C1", "NC1=CC(O)=CC=C1", "isomer")
    $ print compare("OC1=CC(N)=CC=C1", "/open/NC1=CC(O)=CC=C1", "isomer")

new feature: {*}.find("SMILES/strict")
 -- generates OpenSMILES string for selected atoms
 -- applies standard Hueckel aromaticity rules for 5-, 6-, and 7-membered
 -- does not allow exocyclic c=C bonds or [nH] in 6-membered rings
 -- does not create atom classes
 -- also for compare() and search()

new feature: {*}.find("SMILES/open strict")
 -- same as just /strict, but also generates atom classes if present as
 -- also for compare() and search()

new feature: {*}.find("SMILES/mmff94")
 -- applies a very STRICT, chemically meaningful Hueckel 4+2 Rule
 -- adds allowance for only a 1-electron contribution to 6-membered rings
(three double bonds)
 -- also for compare() and search()

new feature: optional processing of OpenSMILES [CH2:002] ":<n>" atom class.
 -- positive integer value only
 -- checks the atom property property_atomclass
 -- for SMARTS, [:0] means "without an atomclass"
 -- for SMARTS, [!:0] means "any non-zero atomclass"
 -- for SMARTS, same as [$(select property_atomclass=n)]
 -- only enabled with Jmol SMILES directive "/open/"; otherwise ignored
 -- for example:

    $ load $2-butanol
    $ show smiles


    $ @2.property_atomclass=2
    $ @3.property_atomclass=3
    $ @5.property_atomclass=5

    $ select *
        15 atoms selected
    $ select on search("/open/[:3]")
        1 atoms selected
    $ select on search("/open/[!:3]")
        14 atoms selected
    $ select on search("/open/[:0]")
        12 atoms selected
    $ select on search("/open/[!:0]")
        3 atoms selected
    $ select on search("/open/[!:3 & !:0]")
        2 atoms selected

new feature: UNITCELL TRANSFORM @m4x4
  -- direct 4x4 matrix transformation of a unit cell

new feature: calculate symmetry  polyhedra {atomset}
  -- selectively calculates polyhedra.
  -- for example: calculate symmetry polyhedra {polyhedra(4)}

new feature: calculate symmetry  polyhedra id
  -- selectively calculates polyhedra for a given ID.
  -- for example: calculate symmetry polyhedra "poly1"

new feature: atom set can be specified in polyhedra() function:
  -- print {2.1}.polyhedra(3)
  -- print {2.1}.polyhedra("....polySMILES string...")

new feature: WRITE MOL67 xxx.mol
 -- writes MOL format with bonds of type 6 or 7 (aromatic single/double;
rarely significant)

new feature: (JSmol) standard InChI generator (see inchi.htm, inchi/*)
 -- JavaScript library for generation of InChIs
 -- runs completely in JavaScript
 -- equivalent to SHOW CHEMICAL stdinchi
 -- about 900 KB

bug fix: CIF reader _atom_site_cartn_x incompatible with _geom_bond
 -- this fix now allows Jmol to read very simple CIF files that are
equivalent to unlimited-atom MOL files
 -- _ccdc_geom_bond_type is not required, defaulting to S
 -- _ccdc_geom_bond_types include S, D, T, Q (quadruple), and A (aromatic)

    C01  0.0000000000  0.0000000000  9.5105651630
    C02  8.5065080835  0.0000000000  4.2532540418
    C03  2.6286555606  8.0901699437  4.2532540418
    C04 -6.8819096024  5.0000000000  4.2532540418
    C05 -6.8819096024 -5.0000000000  4.2532540418
    C06  2.6286555606 -8.0901699437  4.2532540418
    C07  6.8819096024  5.0000000000 -4.2532540418
    C08 -2.6286555606  8.0901699437 -4.2532540418
    C09 -8.5065080835  0.0000000000 -4.2532540418
    C10 -2.6286555606 -8.0901699437 -4.2532540418
    C11  6.8819096024 -5.0000000000 -4.2532540418
    C12  0.0000000000  0.0000000000 -9.5105651630
    C01 C02 S
    C01 C03 S
    C01 C04 S
    C01 C05 S
    C01 C06 S
    C02 C03 S
    C03 C04 S
    C04 C05 S
    C05 C06 S

bug fix: SMILES should not be returned with comments for internal
processing or sending to PubChem or others

bug fix: SHOW chemical SMILES can be off because it was using the name, not
the SMILES string
 -- sometimes - e.g. "menthol" - the name has no chirality, but the
structure does (of course).

bug fix: Jmol 14.3.16_2015.09.15 broke first-match-only flag in SMILES

bug fix: POLYHEDRA when selection halos are on, all have edges

bug fix: moving of polyhedron will fail if corner of polyhedron is an atom

bug fix: macro functions cannot be used later in same script as a MACRO
 -- presence of MACRO command now removes check for unknown command name

bug fix: Tripos MOL2 reader does not read element symbols properly

bug fix: default write MOL file should not indicate aromatic bond types 6
and 7
 -- corrects the fact that these bonds are reserved for queries
 -- only affects cases where that bond type has been set (after calculate
aromatic or loading of ligand CIF files

 -- examples (reporting "DIASTEREOMERS")
   print compare("F/C=C=C=C/F","F/C=C=C=C\\F","isomer")
   load $F-C=C=C=C-F;print compare("F/C=C=C=C\\F",{1.1},"isomer")

bug fix: SMILES generator unnecessarily over-expressing double-bond / and

bug fix: Inconsistent use of "DIASTEREOMERS" (preferred) and
"DIASTERIOMERS" (incorrect)


bug fix: SMILES TB trigonal bipyramidal stereochemistry not functional
bug fix: SMILES [@TBn] not recognizing n > 2

bug fix: SMILES OH octahedral stereochemistry error
bug fix: SMILES [@OHn] not recognizing n > 2

bug fix: SMILES SP square planar stereochemistry will report ENANTIOMERS

Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Department of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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