> On 25 Aug 2014, at 06:55, Otis Rothenberger <osrot...@chemagic.com> wrote:
> This is still pretty rough, but it illustrates the use of local storage for 
> an approach to student class notes:
> http://chemagic.com/JSmolVMK2.htm
> Local storage is being used on two control button screens on this page - Draw 
> and Notes-Misc.
> On the Draw button screen, 10 JSME structures can be saved/retrieved to/from 
> local storage.
> On the Notes-Misc button screen, 10 Jmol models can be saved/retrieved 
> to/from local storage. There is also a text area for student notes. Student 
> notes in this area are auto saved to local storage as they are typed. This 
> screen also has  back-up and erase links for local storage. The back-up link 
> produces cut/paste JSON text that can be used to transfer the data to another 
> browser/computer or simply saved as a text file for data back-up 
> (instructions on Jmol echo window). The erase link erases local storage for 
> this domain. I can envision notes being archived in files according to topic 
> and being loaded as needed.
> Like I mentioned before, this storage is analogous to cookies, but the 
> storage limit is about 5Mb. Ten cholesterol models, ten cholesterol 
> structures, and pages of blah blah blah notes took up a trivial amount of 
> total space allowed.
> The data is persistent until erased or replaced. The auto saved notes reload 
> when the page is opened in the browser of the original save or when a back-up 
> JSON is loaded into a new browser.
> There is some error checking, but I still have a lot of work to do on this. 
> The code for working with local storage is amazingly simple to use. I'm 
> interested in any feedback on how various browsers and platforms respond to 
> all of this.
> Otis

I fully support this very exciting possibility.  Otis and  I discussed the 
potential of eg annotating with a web browser aka https://www.diigo.com/ some 
months back, but for many reasons this approach seems so much better than 
either  Diigo or  Cookies
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