We've completed a NIST connection on our virtual model kit for ir and ms 
spectra. This is currently only on the ISU server:


On the Molecular Editor screen, there is an ir button and an ms button that 
will load the corresponding spectrum in the Jmol window for the model in the 
window, providing that the spectrum can be found at NIST.

One example of this as a lecture tool is the ability to quickly run through a 
series of compounds (e.g. ethane, ethanol, ethanal, ethanoic acid) and clicking 
the ir button after each model edit. The response is almost a dynamic ir or ms 

To my knowledge, NIST does not really have API's to collect this information, 
so our approach is a bit weird. In the end, we had to rely on ChemSpider, 
Google, and NIST calls to get the job done. The fact that NIST Web pages differ 
a bit in exact html structure also required this multi-call approach.

I'm interested in performance on various platforms/browsers. Any input related 
to this would be welcome.


1) This script looks all over for the relevant spectrum. Sometimes (rarely, I 
hope) a NIST spectrum exists, but my script can't find it. When this happens, 
the script should open a relevant NIST data page (pop-up blockers may be a 
problem) that points to the spectrum.

2) To maximize NIST spectrum hits, I remove model stereochemistry before making 
the query. I did this because NIST does not have spectra for all possible 
stereoisomers. By removing the stereochemistry, NIST gives me what it has. If 
stereochemistry is relevant it the returned spectrum, this is usually reflected 
in the spectrum title.

3) Outrageous and possibly nonexistent compound models should return a NIST 
InChI decoding page as a no spectrum found page - again a pop-up.

4) Because I am "touching" three data sources (ChemSpider, Google, and NIST), 
server down issues may come up.

I hope there are no server errors returned, but I may not have covered all the 
bases on this yet.

This is almost as much fun as the dynamic MEP.

Finally, I occasionally have server file permission problems at ISU related to 
updates changing my file permissions. This NIST stuff requires file writing to 
the server. Permission issues are rare, but I thought I should warn of the 

Bob, thanks for the helpful suggestions on this.


Otis Rothenberger

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