--- In jogja-linux@yahoogroups.com, "Willy Sudiarto Raharjo"
> > saya nyoba install apache tomcat standalone, JRE yang digunakan
> > Tapi setelah saya coba startup ternyata halaman web tomcatnya
tidak bisa di buka.
> > Adapun tampilan ketika saya coba startup dan shutdown muncul
tulisan berikut:
> Sudah coba pake JDK 1.5 atau yang lebih baru?
> btw, itu Apache Tomcat versi berapa?

Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/apache-tomcat-5.5.17
Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/apache-tomcat-5.5.17

Kalo dari situs downloadnya Tomcat:
Tomcat 5.5 requires JRE 5.0 by default. Read the RELEASE-NOTES and the
RUNNING.txt file in the distribution for more details.

Packaging Details (or "What Should I Download?")

    * apache-tomcat-[version].zip or .tar.gz: base distro, all
non-embedded users download this.
    * apache-tomcat-[version].exe: Windows installer with base distro
contents + Windows installation.
    * apache-tomcat-[version]-admin.zip or .tar.gz: the Tomcat
Administration webapp only.
    * apache-tomcat-[version]-compat.zip or .tar.gz: required in
addition to the base distro for using tomcat with a Java 1.4 environment.
    * apache-tomcat-[version]-deployer.zip or .tar.gz: the standalone
Tomcat Web Application Deployer.
    * apache-tomcat-[version]-embed.zip or .tar.gz: for using Tomcat
only as an embedded servlet container.


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