Title: Message
Mladeji, ne e istina dokyde moje da stigne kretenijata !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nekvi idioti ot MS sa napravili programka, deto stoi v task-bara i ako akciite na MS rastat se usmihva, inache stoi namryshtena .....
A edni drugi "pacienti" napisali debugger extension (!!!!!!), koito kazva kolko e v momenta stock-a ......... Boje, kyde popadnah !?!?? :-)))))))
-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Stoyanov
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 12:42 PM
To: Svetlana Simova; SOC Bulgarians at MS
Subject: RE: Smiley...
Importance: Low

Aha, user-friendly version of !msft debugger extension


-----Original Message-----
From: Svetlana Simova
Friday, January 25, 2002 12:40 PM
To: SOC Bulgarians at MS
Subject: FW: Smiley...
Importance: Low


Tova e naistina cool. Za sajalenie dnes cial den stoi namrashteno.


-----Original Message-----
From: Branden Powell
Friday, January 25, 2002 10:15 AM
To: John Poli All
Subject: Smiley...
Importance: Low


Team, attached is a utility that will show you the stock price via a smiley face on you task bar.


If stock is up you will see a smile, if down then a frown (wow, it even rhymed…)


If you hover over the smiley for a moment it will give you the current stock price (updates every 15 mins).


The only catch is, it is in french. 




Mettre à jour = To update (refresh and get latest stock price, or reconnect after being disconnected)

Quitter = Exit program


Uncompress the file and add it to your start menu to have it start automatically on boot-up.  To add it to your start menu, uncompress it into a folder (my documents for example) then rt-click and hold on the file and drag to the Start button, when start menu pops up (still holding down the rt mouse button) drag over All Programs, then drag over Startup and finally drag over to the menu that pops out when holding over Startup.  Release rt-mouse button anywhere on the Startup menu and select Copy Shortcut from the list that pops up.


That’s it, you can either go back to the Start menu and click on the Smiley face to start the program immediately or it will start automatically the next time you start your computer.




Branden Powell

Program Manager

MSN Internet Access



Attachment: Smiley.zip
Description: Smiley.zip

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