Hi JOSM coders,

I came across several problems and feature requests for GPX files while
looking at the bug tracker and reading this list. So I decided to learn
a new technology and gave JAXB a try. The result is a JOSM, which fully
supports GPX 1.0 and 1.1, because JAXB uses the xml schemas to generate
entity classes.
I have replaced the old entities with the new ones, so this patch
touches many files of the core and probably some of the plugins will
brake, but I think it's worth the switch to this implementation, because
of these points:

1. The GpxWriter doesn't respect the order of xml elements and can
create invalid files
2. It is not type safe and has problems with element types other than
String. See ticket #2359.
3. JOSM is able to read any valid GPX 1.0/1.1 and write it back as GPX 1.1
4. Many of the GPX features are not implemented yet and have to be
implemented manually, if they are needed in the future, while the JAXB
implementation comes with full support for all elements

1. JOSM depends on JAXB -> 5 jars with a total size of 1MiB (for JDK
1.5. JDK 1.6 comes with JAXB)
2. It's a big patch and might need some time to get everything
(including plugins) back to work
3. New bugs, which made their way in the new implementation

So, what do you think about this patch?


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