I've been trying to think of the best way to conflate objects between
layers with the plugin I'm working on, and wanted to get some input.
The first part is copying or merging objects from a reference layer to
the subject (OSM) layer, and the other is marking objects as

For the first, I think the only two options are copying and "pasting"
the objects (Copy/PasteAction), or merging them (ala
MergeSelectionAction). Merging is more robust, but there is currently
no undo capability (ticket [0]).

For marking objects as resolved, the simplest approach is to keep
track of the objects internally to the plugin. However, I can imagine
other plugins which would like to know whether an object has been
merged/checked/verified/etc, such as a plugin interacting with the
Snapshot Server.


[0]: http://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/7489

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