"Cyber-Inquisition"-Joshua(bahrain) Many of your JY kids are sending me personal emails giving warnings, not to be critical about your leaders and talking about some injustice around us, though not personal. Let me say to you, I can be serious too, so far I was very polite, apologetic, asked your forgiveness. Why dont you put your emails in open mailing list? Let us have an open forum discussion which will be healthier. This reminds me of the Spanish inquisition of 15th century. You kids may not know what it is. Let me explain to you in brief, it happened in 15th 18th century. Confess orthodox Catholicism or die. In the name of Christianity, they tortured and killed many non-Catholics. But if they wouldnt admit their heresy or indicts others, the accused were publicly killed. They had the permission and the blessing of the pope. Then there was the 250 yrs long medieval crusades, - it was nothing but the slaughter of all inhabitants of the Muslim world and Jerusalem by Christians chopping their heads off. Thousands perished in this reign of terror. All in the name of Christianity. So, look young kids, there was injustice in the church in all ages. No point in closing your eyes against any injustice taking place, even today. Speak up, Donot keep quite and keep mum. I dont think our Lord will acknowledge this. I agree with Jason Herberts mail sin harms humans ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is chapter from a crusade book- children crusaders- Childrens crusade in this year occurred an outstanding thing and one much to be marveled at, for it is unheard of throughout the ages. About the time of Easter and Pentecost,4 without anyone having preached or called for it and prompted by I know not what spirit, many thousands of boys, ranging in age from six years to full maturity, left the plows or carts which they were driving, the flocks which they were pasturing, and anything else which they were doing. This they did despite the wishes of their parents, relatives, and friends who sought to make them draw back. Suddenly one ran after another to take the cross. Thus, by groups of twenty, or fifty, or a hundred, they put up banners and began to journey to Jerusalem. They were asked by many people on whose advice or at whose urging they had set out upon this path. They were asked especially since only a few years ago many kings, a great many dukes, and innumerable people in powerful companies had gone there and had returned with the business unfinished. The present groups, morever, were still of tender years and were neither strong enough nor powerful enough to do anything. Everyone, therefore, accounted them foolish and imprudent for trying to do this. They briefly replied that they were equal to the Divine will in this matter and that, whatever God might wish to do with them, they would accept it willingly and with humble spirit. They thus made some little progress on their journey. Some were turned back at Metz, others at Piacenza, and others even at Rome. Still others got to Marseilles, but whether they crossed to the Holy Land or what their end was is uncertain. One thing is sure: that of the many thousands who rose up, only very few returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let us all march for a different crusade of love, tolerance, patience, to establish the Kingdom of God in this age, and for the only one leader,our savior Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless you warriors for Jesus. In Christ Jesus joshua ********************************************************************** This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list. To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] To know more about Jesus Youth, visit http://www.jesusyouth.org **********************************************************************