Somebody wrote in Joynet that Joyneters are not giving serious attention to the prayer 
requests submitted in Joynet. That may be true or not. But I have something to share 
on this matter.
We can see many prayer requests in our Joynet. Also we request to others to pray for 
us. Or we will send prayer request to intersection ministries/groups. Sometimes our 
prayer requests will be ignored or people will forget to pray for us. But we need not 
worry about this. The God who see our heart will hear our prayer. Even though others 
forget / ignore our prayer request, God will not ignore/forget it.
We usually make prayer request when we are in great trouble or sorrow. When we request 
others to pray for us, we have a faith that God will hear our prayer. If we have the 
real faith, even before others pray for us, god will hear our prayer.

Here I will share one of my experience.
When I was in Bahrain, I was trying to get a good job in the same field of my 
specialization. For six months, there was no improvement in my efforts. One day I 
collected the addresses of some companies and send application by post. After one week 
I received a call from one of the companies and I had an interview by telephone.
They promised to call me for an interview in their office. But for two months, there 
was no response.
Then one day I put a prayer request in the prayer request box of the intersection 
ministry of the malayalam prayer group. The intersection ministry is gathering every 
Thursday at 7 p.m. By Gods grace, the company called me for an interview in there 
office on the same Thursday at 11a.m. I attended the interview and I was selected for 
the job. Before the intersection ministrys prayer, God has grand me my intention. 

When we took a piece of paper  and write a prayer request to some person /groups or 
when we type a prayer request in the Joynet, the Lord who see our heart and faith will 
definitely hear our prayer. So please dont hesitate to make prayer request in Joynet.

Every day my wife Jessy and me pray for all who put prayer request in Joynet. 
Our God is so great and kind enough to hear our prayers.
Praise the Lord!
God bless you!

Biju Antony / JY  Kuwait.


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