> A Gift From The Lord
 >  By Chick Velasco
 >  As she peered into the mirror
 >  Her face looked pale and drawn
 >  All her youthful radiance
 >  Seemed forever gone
 >  She felt no joy inside her heart
 >  Her peace had gone away
 >  Replaced with only fear and dread
 >  Of what she faced today
 >  It was only eight short weeks
 >  Since she turned twenty one
 >  She had been so full of life
 >  And having so much fun
 >  She had felt so much in love
 >  She'd hoped that very soon
 >  Her guy would pop the question
 >  And she'd be a bride by June
 >  Then one day the Doctor called
 >  There was a baby on the way
 >  And when she told her boyfriend
 >  He packed and moved away
 >  He didn't want a baby
 >  So he told her what to do
 >  She must abort the baby
 >  Or the two of them were through
 >  Though he'd said he loved her
 >  The day she'd given in
 >  She had known her choice was wrong
 >  It was nothing more than sin
 >  She had turned her back on God
 >  And set her faith aside
 >  Now her life was such a mess
 >  She wished that she could hide
 >  Now once again she'd given in
 >  The pressure was too great
 >  So she had called the clinic
 >  To set the fateful date
 >  Staring at this looking glass
 >  She'd never felt so sad
 >  But soon this would be over
 >  And he no longer would be mad
 >  The time had come for her to go
 >  She got into her car
 >  She drove slowly to the clinic
 >  It wasn't very far
 >  The day was dark and gloomy
 >  There fell a misty rain
 >  The weather seemed to understand
 >  As if it felt her pain
 >  As she pulled into the parking lot
 >  Her mind began to swirl
 >  As she wondered if her baby
 >  Was a little boy or girl
 >  She felt a tug inside her heart
 >  As she stepped inside the door
 >  No one saw the teardrop
 >  As it splattered on the floor
 >  She signed in at the window
 >  And then she took a seat
 >  So consumed with loneliness
 >  As she stared down at her feet
 >  When they took her to the room
 >  It seemed so damp and cold
 >  She wished that she could turn and run
 >  But she wasn't feeling bold
 >  As she lie upon the table
 >  She heard a small still voice
 >  "You must leave this evil place
 >  You must make a different choice"
 >  She began a silent prayer
 >  "Dear Lord, Where have you been
 >  My life's become a nightmare
 >  And I need you once again"
 >  Once again that gentle voice
 >  "You have turned your back on me
 >  But I have never left you
 >  Since the day I set you free"
 >  "My child, you are rebellious
 >  Your path is paved with sin
 >  Now you lie upon a table
 >  In the heart of Satan's den"
 >  The voice continued speaking
 >  "This thing you do is wrong
 >  The baby is my gift to you
 >  I've planned it all along"
 >  "If you'll put your faith in Me
 >  I will see you through
 >  The way may not be easy
 >  But I will always be with you"
 >  "Exercise your faith in Me
 >  For I AM still the same
 >  I will help you raise this baby
 >  And I will glorify my name"
 >  "I AM the one who loves you
 >  More than you could know
 >  Now you must get dressed again
 >  It's time for us to go"
 >  When the Doctor came into the room
 >  He only found a note
 >  Written in a hasty scrawl
 >  This is what she wrote
 >  "Thank you for your trouble
 >  Your staff was very kind
 >  I have spoken with the Bridegroom
 >  And I have changed my mind"
 >  "I shall keep my baby
 >  I will raise him 'till he's grown
 >  I will glorify my Savior
 >  He still counts me as His own"
 >  When she stepped outside the clinic
 >  She knew that she'd be fine
 >  She whispered "Thank you, Jesus"
 >  And the sun began to shine!
 > Yet, Thou art He who didst bring me forth from the womb;
 > Thou didst make me trust when upon my mother's breasts.
 > Upon Thee I was cast from birth;
 > Thou hast been my God from my mother's womb.
 > (Psalms 22:9-10)
 > God would give up His only Son
 >  before He'd give up on you!
 >   "For God so loved the world,
 >   that he gave his only begotten Son,
 >   that whosoever believeth in him
 >  should not perish,
 >   but have everlasting life."
 >   (John 3:16)
 >    "Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them,
 >  because they were distressed and dispirited
 >  like sheep without a shepherd.
 >  Then he said to His disciples,
 >  'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
 >  Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to
 >  send out workers into His harvest.'"
 >    (Matthew 9:37-38)
 >  What Will You Say When God Asks You,
 >  "Why Should I Let YOU into my Heaven?"
 >   "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you."
 >   (John 15:16)
 >   "He paid a debt He didn't owe,
 >   Because I owed a debt I couldn't pay!"
 >   "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord,
 >   every knee shall bow to me,
 >  and every tongue shall confess to God.
 >   So then every one of us shall give account
 >  of himself to God."
 >   (Romans 14: 11)
 >   "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep
 >   to gain what he cannot lose."
 >   "Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus."

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