Greek Mythology rightly describes love as in three types. The first being
'Eros' which it says is erotic love. The second it says is 'Peros', this kinda
love most of us experience and practice. This is the kinda love where we only
love the person who loves us in the first place, and in turn we are loved back
by these guyz. But the third kinda love is 'Agape'. This is unconditional
love. Where you love the person as the person is, & not waiting/hoping/praying
for the person to change. This kinda love is very difficult to practice. But
our heavenly father has unlimited 'Agape' for us, he really loves us for what
we are and is always waiting and knows that we will turn to him some day. No
wonder Greek Mythology describes this kinda love as heavenly love.

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