Dear beloved in Jesus,

I cant thank God enough for his many blessings everyday in my life. Ever
since the Lord touched my life, he has been doing beautiful things for me.
One thing that God has ensured is that jj never lacks the love of brothers
and sisters. God has given me numerous brothers and sisters scattered all
over. I feel more closer to a brother or sister in Jesus may be thousands
of miles away than a colleague or secular acquaintance I have here in
Delhi. Its the love of Jesus that binds us together. Isnt it? Many of my
brothers and sisters know me thru and thru and still love the view.
Believe me jj is a maverick, can be very bullheaded, obstinate, inane at
times. God is gracious to me, nevertheless.

Well, life of late has been handing jj some great bumps. Ive been passing
thru some thriller meat grinding experiences. I say thriller because every
experience (including the setbacks) prove to be an ultimate blessing. So
they thrill me a lot.

Hey! I dont want to sound so utopian. There are times I feel really
dejected, forlorn and hopless. Recently during one such time I wrote to
some of my beloved Christian brethren about my strife, requesting prayers.
The encouragement I received recharged me again. The love bestowed
eclipses the discouragement, misunderstanding, rejection etc..

So, If there is any of us who are finding the going tough, remember what a
very tough woman of God, Mother Theresa said, tough times dont last
long, but tough people do some other wise person said, when the going
gets tough, the tough get going!. So, never let anything to permanently
discourage us ok. It takes one moment for God to make a sick person
healthy, a poor man rich, a weak person strong. Just hang in there. Ok.

I feel a lot strengthened by a profound mail send to me by a dear JY
chechi today. Here is what chechi send. Hope it lifts someones spirits.

I was going through this beautiful passage sometime back and found it good
and soothing my mind. Hope Jesus will speak to you through this.

Hudson Taylor once said, "The Lord is my Shepherd; is on Sunday, is on
Monday and is through everyday of the week; is on January, is in December,
and every month of the year, is at home and is in America , is in peace,
and is in war in abundance and in penury!"

At another time he wrote: All Gods dealings are full of blessing: He is
good, doeth good, good only, and continually. The believer who has taken
the Lord as his shepherd can assuredly say in words of the Psalmist:
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Hence
we may be sure that the days of adversity, as well as days of prosperity,
are full of blessing. The believer does not need to wait until he sees the
reason of God's afflictive dealings with him to be satisfied; He knows
'that all things work together for good to them that love God and are
called according to his purpose."

The shepherd is responsible for the sheep; not the sheep for the shepherd!
The worst of it is that we sometimes think we are both the shepherd and
the sheep, and that we have both to guide and follow! Happy are we when we
realize that He is responsible: that He goes before: and goodness and
mercy shall follow us!

So maybe you are being severely tested, almost to the breaking point!
Maybe wondering about the tomorrows! He knows all about your tomorrows,
and is thinking in advance for you! Yes for you! For you he careth! Hide
away in your Heart the gracious promise: " How precious are thy thoughts
unto me, O God"

Let shadows come, let shadows go,
Let life be bright or dark with woe,
I am content, for this I know,
Thou thinkest, Lord of me

Yo man! Gods thoughts are on each of us. And he thinks were masterpiece

God bless,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India


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