Dear friends,

Its been quite sometime since I’ve written to joynet. Well, the reason
mainly being I don’t have a compy at my disposal and the Intenet café’s
here in the vicinity …tend to leave a hole in my pocket.

I’ve missed Joynet tremendously. But also I’ve learnt how to be detached.
That’s something good I guess.

I’m hear in Bangalore since August 14. Sorry I couldn’t meet any of the
Jy’s here. I’ve been extremely tied up. I hope to come for one of the
night vigils before I leave blore. Please do bear with me, Blore Jys.

I’m here participating in the 3 months School of evangelization by ICPE
India. It has been a beautiful time for me personally. With a break from
family, job, ministry and other nitty gritties of life’s rat race. I’ve
never had such a close time of sitting at the feet of our Lord and waiting
on him. The theme of the school is based on Issiah 40:31….

”They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar as
with eagles' wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow
faint. “

The first phase of the school was the input phase. We had different
speakers speak on various topics. We’re now moving into the outreach phase
of the school.

I felt prompted to write to joynet coz today we had a session on prolife
by Vinay Kamath. I watched one of the most gut wrenching documentaries
I’ve ever seen on anti abortion.

The name of the video is Eclipse of Reason. I heard someone in Mumbai has
secured the rights to reproduce this film in India which otherwise is
quite costly in USD. I don’t know the details, but I’m sure we can get

Those of us into the prolife ministry. I feel it would be a wonderful idea
to watch this film if possible.

Well, Bangalore is a wonderful place with wonderful people. The climate
hear is just heavenly. I get clean air to breathe. For a guy from Delhi
this is a luxury. There’s a saying we commonly use in Delhi…” breathing in
Delhi is injurious to health….”. They say 1 day in delhi is like smoking 3

I'll stop with one of the captions i saw in one of the prolife movies
about Contraception/safe sex/AIDS

"abscence doesn't make the heart grow fonder but abstinence makes the
heart beat longer!" (this was in relation to the myth about using condoms
as means for safe sex)

I once again apologize for my silence and hope to cough up some mails
soon. Love u all in Jesus,

Love and prayers and God bless,

Josun Jose/Blore

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