Dear Friends,

Most of us are suffering like this woman.Let our prayer be,"Lord,if you want
you can heal me."

Have a nice weekend with the Lord.


Simon Nelli

She's got eczema of the soul!
Norman Vincent Peale once related that after the morning service one Sunday a
woman came up to the pastor and said, "I listened to your sermon, but I want
to tell you that I itch all over." The pastor smiled and replied, "I have had
many results from my sermons, but that's the most remarkable one I've ever
had." She ignored the pastor's remark and continued, "It's a strange thing. I
itch a great deal, but I itch worse when I come to church. I sometimes feel I
should not come to church because I itch so badly." She continued, "I've taken
it up with my doctor. I just itch all the time, and it shows up as a kind of
eczema on my arm." She then bared her arm and pointed, "Take a look at that."
The pastor became interested in the woman and asked for the name of her
doctor, who turned out to be even more interesting. The doctor explained that
this woman had a low-grade fever most of the time, about 100 degrees. "What's
wrong with her?" the pastor asked. "She says she itches all over." "Yes" the
doctor said., "she's got eczema." "But I didn't see any evidence of it." "Oh,"
the doctor replied, "it isn't on her arms. It's on her insides. It's in the
mind. She has eczema of the soul." "I never heard of that disease," the pastor
remarked. "And you won't find it on any list of diseases," the doctor stated,
"but that's what is wrong with her -eczema of the soul." The pastor asked how
she got it and the doctor replied, "This woman has a virulent, violent hatred
for her sister. She feels that her sister defrauded her when they probated
their father's will. She hasn't spoken to her sister for the past twenty years
now. She is absolutely foul on the inside with her hate.

A few days later the pastor asked the lady to stop by his office for a visit.
He told her what the doctor said and concluded that if she wanted to get rid
of her disease, she would have to get down on her knees and surrender her
hatred, and to do this she would have to pray lovingly about her sister. She
resisted. It was very difficult for her, but finally she turned to the cross
and prayed, "Jesus forgive me a sinner, and save me by your mercy, cleanse me
and create in me a new heart." Gently, the pastor said, "That isn't enough.
Tell Jesus that you love your sister! And that was the hardest thing for her
to say. But the day came not too long after when the two sisters walked down
the aisle of the church, arm in arm. They had found forgiveness, healing and a
new love for one another.
Norman Vincent Peale

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