Dear All,

We are going through the era of Isms. Where ever we look, there are some isms and knowingly or unknowingly we are also a part of it. Communism, Capitalism, Marxism, Leninism, Communalism, Secularism, Fascism, Nazism/Neo-nazism, Fundamentalism, Racism, Terrorism, Anti-terrorism, Ecumenism ...... the list goes on.

Why cant be there Agapeism? (Lovism). We have the Holy Bible as our Manifesto and Jesus Christ, our Leader. Why cant we approach Christianity through Agapeism as our leader taught, practiced and showed us?

As Sanjo Paulson asked a few weeks ago, Where is our fire? Are we doing Evangelization? And 

How many of us dare to be called as Agapeist?

Ask ourselves, are we Changing the face of the Youth or MASKING the face of the Youth?

With lots of love and Prayers in Jesus

Prejomy Jose Abu Dhabi

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