Dear Friends,
After a short break I'm back to this wonderful e-mail fellowship. Thanks for
all your prayerful wishes for my wedding. Yes, again continuing the
Fulltimer's sharing....

Arunachal Pradesh is one of the northeast state of India. It’s one of the
poorest states in India., Economically, socially, culturally the people of
Arunachal Pradesh is backward. In villages, we see bamboo houses. They are
mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. ‘Pig breeding’ is the
important animal husbandry. About the physical feature of Arunachal Pradesh
mainly covered with hills and valleys. With out a second thought any body
can say place is beautiful, but life is difficult to a person who is from an
outside state.

Here we can meet “Nocte tribe” and majorities are Christians. Shaju our full
timer worked Borduria, the only one parish in Arunachal Pradesh.
He is a graduate in Physics. When he reached commitment place, the parish
priest arranged a ‘teacher’ post for him in 12th standard.

Shaju was small in stature and the priest introduced him as a postgraduate
in Physics in order to win the respect of the students. Hearing all this he
was very tensed because he knew how weak he was in his own subject
"Physics". More than that he had to teach everything in English, which
proved to be a headache to him.

That night he prayed and learned the lessons much. Next day after a thorough
preparation he went to the class. He shocked at seeing much grown up pupils
in his class who were bigger than him. They were indifferent to Shaju
because of his small stature. The boys didn’t recognize him as a teacher so
he introduced him as their new teacher. He had no confidence that he can
teach them physics effectively but when he began to take class he was able
to handle English very easily and his class turned out to be a very good. He
says - he receives the grace from Holy Spirit & tasted the power of
following scripture- "But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should pray to God,
who will give it to him;because God gives generously and graciously to
all." James 1:5.

More than physics to that guys he was a teacher who gave “CHRIST” for their
life. Now his pupils know more about “Jesus Christ- The Powerful man” than
the ‘Science of Power’ Physics.

Praise God!

Priya Joseph
Cochin/ India

Arunachal sharing will continue.........

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