Hey you awesome people of God,

There are many things that JJ hates, one of them is to be stranded at the
railway crossing. Ironically almost every other day I get stranded. At
times it takes a good 20 minutes till the gate is opened. Yesterday was
one such day.

While waiting for the train to pass, passengers usually get off the bus,
either for a snack or for some fresh air. I was blest to have a seat in
this bus. So I didnt want to get out. The people behind me were playing
cards. Small time hawkers come into the bus at the crossing to sell their
snacks, pens, roadmaps etc

A small boy maybe aged 7-8 years old came in selling mumphali (pea-nuts).
One of the guys playing cards called for him and asked him for a packet of
pea-nuts. The boy gave it and he asked for 2 rupees.

The man took the packet, opened it and munched a few peanuts. Then he
returned the packet saying, daktar ne manna kiya hai mujhe, mumphali
khaane se (the doctor has banned me from eating pea-nuts) the boy asked,
then why did u open the pack and eat? the other men also started poof
woofing the kid away.

Skirmishes in the bus are a common thing, and Ive become numb to caring
much for them.

The contrast of a young voice and an old burly voice in heated argument
drew my attention. I turned and looked. A mangy, shabilly dressed kid,
with dirty feet, no footwear, and unkempt hair, holding a few packets of
mumphali in one hand and trying to make a point with the other to a middle
aged man.

I watched for sometime, analyzing the situation before I did anything. I
was really impressed with the guts of that kid. A lone kid, fighting for
his right against a bunch of bullies who keep using obnoxious language at
him and try intimidating him with threats and cheap jokes 

I intervened and told the man politely, see, if you have opened the
packet u should pay for it. Why are you harassing the kid like that the
man retorted to me, thu apna kaam dekh, yahan jyada kanoon maath jamma!
(mind your own business, dont you come and teach me the law ok)

I understood there was no point arguing with imbeciles like him. I
therefore used a reverse psychology to teach the bully a lesson.

I called the boy over to my side, put my arm round him and asked him his
name. Salauddin he replied. Oh ok, now I knew why he was being harassed.

How much is one packet of mumphali? I asked, two rupees he answered.
And how many packets do you have with u? He checked and told me, che
pakit (six packets) give me all your packets Ill buy them.

The kid was moved. He gave me all the six packets, I paid him 14 rupees (2
rupees for the bullys mumphali). Then I asked him about his family, he
told me his dad, tausheef works on the railway line as a casual laborer.
His mom Nasreen is a sickly woman and stays at home. He stays in a Jhopdi
(shanty) nearby. He doesnt study, he said. Infact he hates studies
because his teacher in 3rd standard used to beat him like hell.

Salauddin has got an elder brother who pulls a rickshaw, 2 elder sisters
who are already married away. (they cant be more than 16 years old!)

After sometime of getting to know him better, I told him about our present
president, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. I shared that he too was an ordinary kid
just like him. He used to sell newspapers as a child, just as Salauddin
sold pea-nuts.

Salauddin was impressed. I looked into his eyes that had dried tears by
the by the eyelids and assured him, you too can become somebody great in
life, have a dream and pay the price, nothing is out of reach.

The kids face lit up. He said, mathlab mei bhi bada aadmi ban saktha hu
(that means I too can become great) why not, Ofcourse you can I assured.

Meanwhile, the guys playing cards including the bully had stopped their
game. And like a number of other passengers they too were keenly listening
to my conversation with Salauddin.

Little by little I could see the embarrassment that that bully was
feeling. I knew he was feeling really small. But I wasnt done with him

I told Salauddin, dont worry when you are mistreated or when people
cheat you. Dont get intimidated either by threats. When you become
somebody great, always treat people less fortunate than you with kindness
and love. He promised to remember that. All this took place in a span of
about half an hour. In the distance the siren of a train approaching,

When ever you see me in the bus dont hesitate to come up to me ok. If I
have the money Ill buy mumphali from you I promised Salauddin. He
removed my hand from his shoulder and said, abhi aatha hu mei (Ill just
come back) with that he darted out of the bus, a few moments later he
returned with a block of kadala muttai, (groundnut sweet) and shyly placed
it in my hand saying, this is for you from my side ok I took it and gave
him a hug.

The train was zipping past, scooters, cars, buses, trucks started turning
on their engines, Salauddin took my hand, kissed it and assured me, Ill
never forget you That I felt was an assurance God was giving me.

As he was getting down from the bus, our bully friend called him, threw
him 2 rupees and told him, arre yaar, mei tho mazzak kar rahatha (hey
man, I was just joking). Salauddin threw back the coin at him and to the
utter chagrin of the bully, retorted Haat! Ullu ke pathey!, Mei bheek
thodi mangraha hu tere se! (get lost u son of an owl, you think I am
begging you! with that he jumped off the bus.

Laughter ensued within the bus, and to add injury to insult, some co
passengers started teasing the bully, saying he was trying to show his
bahaduri (bravery) before a small kid. A couple of them commented on me
saying, that madrasi, must be a very educated person If only they knew!

The beleaguered bully got off the next stop. I didnt care much. I was
busy munching my pea nuts, knowing that he got something to think about.

If you want to know the character of a person, here is a litmus. Just
watch how he treats those who can do nothing to him or nothing for him.

Make it a great day,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India

Ps:- I know most of us are praying for peace. Lets all intensify our
prayers and good works. War is a scourge. Everyone loses. No winners.


Meet the Reluctant Saint, Palm Sunday, April 13, 7pm ET/PT,
on Hallmark Channel. http://www.reluctantsaint.tv

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