Praise the Lord,

Thank you in Jesus name to all joynetters for interceding the New
Zealand retreat. Yesterday we had a 1-day retreat at wellington - the
capital of new zealand. Wellington is about an hour's drive from
Auckland. There were a lot of blocks against this event right from
the beginning. Initially when we talked about the possibilty of a
retreat to a friend of mine in wellington he said that there were
only few Catholics in Wellington and it may be difficult to organise
one. Fr.Thomas and me started praying about this and things started
moving. Our good lord had anointed the wellington ministry and in an
hours time we get a confirmation from my friend that the local praish
priest had graneted permission for the retreat .
Praise the Lord 

Even when we reached the airport there were blocks. All the flights
to wellington for that day had been cancelled after we checked-in. We
cancelled the tickets and took the evening train to Wellington which
took us there the next day morning - praise the lord

There was very good anointing during and after the retreat both
physivcal and spiritual. A deaf person could hear after the healing
mass in the evening. Another lady who had severe back pain for a year
and a half was healed off her back pain. There were lot of spiritual
healing as well - A girl could see Jesus in a vision and many were
touched. They were all happy that this had happened and a new
awareness has been generated. One of the Kiwis mentioned that in the
past the Lord sent missionaries from the west to the east to spread
the Word of God and now the Lord we are getting it back.   

We praise you and thank you Lord for your wonderful ways. Your ways
are always much much higher than ours Lord just like the sky is above
the earth. Teach us to be one with you in your Love and protect us
through your spirit. Thank you for your mercy on us Lord. 

Blessed Virgin Mary , intercede for us and guide us to the Lord. Keep
your children in your care and you know what is best for your
children. Mother of the church and our own mother  you know what is
best needed for our spiritual growth. Please pray for us till we all
reach your son Jesus on the last day . 

We ask this in Jesus name 

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