Dear Warriors,

News Clipping :

WARNING! It is only a very short period of time now until we see the
Holy Bible in flagrant violation of the rule of man-made law in Canada!
That is, those versions of the Holy Bible which are clear on the sin of
sodomy and homosexuality!

It is now Canada's law of the land! Canada sanctions pro-'gay' books for
kids. Parental views cannot override imperative of tolerance, diversity.
A public school system that claims to promote diversity and tolerance
should not ban books that advocate same-sex relationships to
kindergartners, Canada's Supreme Court has ruled. The high court said
the Surrey School Board in British Columbia, near Vancouver, must
revisit its ban on three books that also have stirred controversy in the
U.S. - "Asha's Mums," "One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dads, Blue Dads" and
"Belinda's Bouque."

Concerning the recent decision in British Columbia to allow gay books to
be taught to Kindergarteners, Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin arrogantly
emphasized, "Parental views, however important, cannot override the
imperative placed upon the British Columbia public schools to mirror the
diversity of the community and teach tolerance and understanding of

This kind of dangerous law has already become real in Canada. One can no
longer speak his convictions concerning the practice of homosexuality
without penalty. It is now illegal in Canada for Television or Radio
Broadcasters to use any Bible passage that condemns homosexuality. The
same is true for Canadian Newspapers. Recently, a Canadian Newspaper
publisher was jailed for printing an ad, which used a Bible verse
condemning homosexuality. The person who bought the add and the
publisher were both considered criminals and both were put in jail.

This is not about 1940's Nazi Germany. It is not about the present day
Communist China or Russia, or any of the totalitarian governments of
third world countries. It is about America's closest ally and trading
partner just to the north - with a very similar system of government and
at one time protector of free speech and freedom of expression. Oh, you
say, this would never happen in America! But it is! Government officials
in Staten Island called the word of God "hate-speech" and forced a
billboard owner to cover up a Bible quote about homosexuality. One
cannot buy ads or use quotes from Bible verses, which condemn the
practice of homosexuality on billboards, anywhere in New York City.

At present, it is a hate crime in Canada to publicly criticize
homosexuals. In Saskatchewan this summer, an evangelical Christian, Hugh
Owens, and the Star Phoenix newspaper ran afoul of this law. They were
fined $4,500 each because of Owen's 1997 add, which did not quote, but
merely listed five Bible references critical of homosexuality. In
addition, Owens and the newspaper were required to compensate the three
homosexual complainants with $3,000 each. In Canada, it is also illegal
to criticize any federally-protected groups on recorded telephone
messages. If somebody includes on his telephone prayer line that "God
hates homosexuality, but loves the homosexual," he could be indicted for
inciting contempt. The penalty? Up to five years in prison and a $20,000

So not PROMOTING homosexuality among five year olds is 'intolerant'.
Have they gone entirely mad? Gay literature in Canada is openly
advocated for kindergarteners and the Bible will soon be illegal because
it is in stark opposition to Canada's legal stand for homosexuality!

Lets move up our hands to Lord and pray for every faithful, in different
corners of the universe, in their war against the power of darkness.


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