
Tell the nations what He has done" Psalm.105.1 . When I landed in
Singapore to start our retreat, Psalm 105. 1, gave me assurance and
strength to proclaim my faith to the youth and the community in this

Jesus appeared to his disciples and greeted them "

Peace be with you" John 20.21. This greeting from the Risen Lord was
powerful indeed to a struggling and fearful group of ordinary people who
were handpicked by Jesus and later apointed as his Aposles. The Apostles
were deeply touched , changed at this Heavenly greeting. Jesus gave them
Peace, the same message of Christmas. The angels of the Lord appeared to
the Shepherds who were among the outcasts, and sang to them " Peace on
earth to those with whom he is pleased" Lk 2. 14.

At the birth of Jesus and his post resurrection ministry with his
Apostles, the same message of Peace and repentence was emphasized.

Repentence is from Man and Salvatin is from God. Salvation is
peacefulenss with God. Heavenly peace is salvation. Heavenly peace is
God's presence. After greetings the disciples with peace, Jesus said to
them " As the Father has sent me I send you" John 20.21. Jesus assigned
the Apostles to preach repentence and forgiveness. Jesus gave them
authority to bind and to unfasten sins. Jesus said " If you forgive
people's sins, they are forgiven; if you dont forgive they are not
forgiven" John 20.23. Forgiving sins is reserved to God alone and that
power is now vested in the Church.

During the first day of our retreat at Singapore, we spoke about
previlage to be forgiven. Jesus forgave the sinners and granted them
healing. Jesus said to the paralyzed man "

Your sins are forgiven". Lk.5.20. At this the Jewish people grew angry at
Jesus. But Jesus, to prove that he has the power to forgive sins, asked
the paralysed man to sand up and walk and he obeyed Jesus. Repentence is
in the sinner, initiated by God. The prodigal son repented and asked for
forgiveness from his father and his father forgave him without
conditions. The loving father said " For this son of mine was dead ,but
now he is alive.. He was lost , but now he is found" Lk. 15.24 and they
feasted. The joy of God over a repentent sinner is that of a jubilant
father who sees his dead son back alive.

Yesterday many people in Singapore washed themselves in the blood of the
lamb in the sacrament of Confession and they went home peacefully.
Repentence came from the sinners and Salvation reached out to them from
Heaven. It is like incarnation. God is present in

carne (in flesh) . God came down to the earth and lived with us in human
form, thus sanctifying the human nature. As we continue the retreat in
Singapore, Please keep me in your prayers so I could "tell the nations
what He has done" Psalm.105.1.

It was a warm and freindly welcome from the core group in Singapore.
Mr.Deccan, Mr. Glen and Mr.Tony met me at the Air port and it was fun to
recognize people who have never seen each other. Being in the company of
the youngsters is interesting. I feel young at heart and at the same
time, I could see how the youth love a Christ oriented life. They are
concerned about the lost sheep and they intensly pray for the people who
are lost and could be lost. They powerfully intercede in behalf of the
people who could be in the grip of Satan. I have heard them pray like
Jesus prayed

" I do ask you to keep them from the evil one" John 17.15. All through
the retreat for the elders, the youth in Singapore were on their knees
praying and interceding. Last night, I sat with Mr. Tony Kattoor his wife
Manju and Mr.Glen, (There are many more people who are actively involved
in the organization of the retreat in Singapore, like Mr. Piou! s, Mr
Andrew, Mr. Roy, Mr. Joshi, Ms. Asha, Ms.Rosmy, Ms K. Rani, Ms. Jasmi and
I remember them gratefully ) as they lifted the intentions the people
have left us with. The simplicity, the earnestnesss and above all the
faith of these young people to pray fervently, was amazing. I went to bed
with the peacefulness that Jesus is in command. What I need to do is just
say to the nations the amazing things God has done to me.

This gave me a new vision in preaching the retreat

. I will share with the group, how God peacefully and gently touched me
and keep assuring me in my struggle as a human person, with Biblical
backing and the wisdom deduced from the Jesus in History.

Praise the Lord.

God Bless

Fr Thomas Mathew/Singapore/August 25,2002


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