Dear JYs,
Greetings from Jesus Youth of UK.
We are planning to go for the second National Jesus Youth Gathering, GRACE in UK 
(Birmingham) from May 23-26, 2003. The main theme is 'Come back to the Loving Lord...' 
ISAIAH 44:22

GRACE denotes a Christian's 5 stage through his Union with the Lord ie.,
G -- God's Love
R -- Reconciliation
A -- Acceptance
C -- Conversion
E -- Evangelisation

We are expecting more than 200 youths. The talks will be 60% Malayalam and 40% 
English. Please pray for this convention and do convey the same to your friends in UK.
Love n Prayers
Joseph & Anu / JY UK
0044 (7984782051) or (1293 519163) 

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