Dear Joynetters,

     This is in continuation to Suma's mail.

     The picture of Jesus & Mother Mary on chappathi
has appeared in today's edition of Deccan Herald,

     Please visit the following link to see the
picture alongwith details.

     In HIS grip and grace,

       Bangalore, India

--- Suma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A report from Hindusthan times . Many would have
> heard about it . Its on display at Renewal center
> Bangalore .  God is dead", or so said Nietzsche, the
> famous German philosopher. He probably didn't visit
> India before saying so Nietzsche's theory was proved
> incorrect when thousands of devotees thronged a
> small suburb in Bangalore to catch the glimpse of
> their venerable deity, Jesus Christ, on - believe it
> or not - a chapati Strange, but true. A hazy image
> of Jesus appeared on a chapati that was partly
> burnt, a demonstration that faith is rewarded by
> miracles Sheela Anthony, a staunch Christian, came
> home after offering prayers at a church and prepared
> chapatis for her kids. The children refused to eat
> one of them as it was burnt. After looking at it
> carefully, she found an emblem of Jesus on the burnt
> part Overflowing with spiritual emotions at
> Bangalore's Renewal Retreat Centre, a place of
> prayer for Christians, she said, "For a moment the
> burnt part of the chapati looked li!
> ke Christ. I couldn't believe my eyes and kept
> looking at it. With a lot of hesitation, I showed it
> to my daughters and neighbours, who also said that
> it was Jesus." Thereafter Sheela Authony took it to
> Father George Jacob of Renewal Retreat Center, who
> confirmed that the image was indeed that of Jesus.
> He firmly believes that it is a miracle Being a
> staunch devotee of Jesus, it was Sheela's great gift
> to the other followers. From morning till late in
> the evening, around 20,000 people come in to catch
> the glimpse of Lord Jesus on the chapati," said
> Father Jacob The "holy chapati" has been placed at
> the central shrine for public viewing. Followers who
> came from distant places to witness it felt that it
> was a huge miracle.
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