Hi all,

Just thought of joining this discussion on Suicide.

I think it is good to discuss such topics in this group.
Knowing the christian teachings on such topics will help
us and we can help others too.   Also, knowing the word
of God is important.   But we need to see that the Bible
interpretations are done according to the church teachings.
I think there are many people in our JOYnet who can guide
us in this matter.   Whenever the discussions go away
from the church teachings, I hope these friends will interfere
and correct the joynetters.  Let's not be ashamed of the Word of God.

In these discussions many different opinions will come.
But let's discern the right things and accept it.

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

----- Original Message -----
From: "divine_luv" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:15 PM
Subject: RE: [JOYnet] SUICIDE

> Dear JYs
> I have been following some of the mails on Suicide and I wish to share my
views as under:
> I remember the time when my aunt (mom's sister) had committed suicide when
I was very small. I didnt know then what Suicide was. I remember when I
asked around why a person commits suicide I was given to understand that
'suicide' was another form of 'being a coward', a person unable to stand up
to the challenges of life. For me the word 'coward' was very strong. Because
no one likes being called a 'coward' or a 'darpok'.
> It was only later as I grew up did I realise what actually facing life and
it challenges meant. That how easy it was to think of suicide when things
didnt go ur way as Welchy had mentioned in her mail.
> For me I guess Committing a sin is like betraying Jesus. And we do read in
the gospels there were two Apostles who betrayed Jesus. Both were aware that
what they did was wrong. One repented and the other committed Suicide. The
one who repented became a great apostle and the other we know his fate when
he committed suicide. There is still hope in repentance and I guess if we
commit suicide we lose out on this this hope.
> Now I have read the other mails and I do agree that in light of some facts
we should share it with our spiritual fathers. I also do agree that we
should not misinterpret the Holy Scripture.
> However I totally disagree that this should prevent us from sharing any
such topics out here. It may deter some. But on the flip side we can gain
valuable knowledge and experience from those whose faith are strong in
Christ and have gone through such experience as Father Thomas has mentioned.
I remember my brother telling me how useful the discussion of "taking
prasad" which was shared out here was. On quoting scriptures. I do
personally disagree with the fact that we should not quote them at all. How
would we know what we are quoting is in the wrong context if we dont quote
them at all. And I do see that we have so many wonderful Word ministers here
that should we falter they are there to correct us. Right Ravi :)
> in prayers,
> Jefferson
> Mumbai
> "Bonny Thomas" wrote:
> I'm giving my full support to Baiju on his note.....now its time to close
this chapter as this is getting out of focus....moreover i would repeat as
Baiju advised that we should get advise before we come to conclusions on
topics like this and putting it over joynet.
> regards, bonny

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