absolutely lina!
i know what youu'retrying to say and i agree.  i only
meant that despite how bleak chances maybe, we should
do what we think is right in God's eyes because
uultimately it is all in His hands and we will have to
answer to Him one day about the actions we did and
those we did'nt do.  Sometmes thngs may not work out
the way we want them to.  But i don't think God
expects us to change the world, i think He just wants
us to do our small part, the rest is not up to us, but
up to Him.  
and yes, prayer is the most powerful weapon that we
have against the devil and his kingdom.  let's all use
that optimally!

Grahamstown, South Africa

--- Lina Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dear sheril,
> yes, i certainly do agree with you as a person who
> believes in Christ,
> and as a human being, too. however,through my
> previous letter,  i just
> wanted to state how law can look at the issue--the
> balancing of interests
> factor, and why we who believe so stongly on
> the issue of anti- abortion
> should not get upset if we see apparent indifference
> from the legal
> system.
>  let's all pray that by our concerted efforts, this
> barbaric practice of
> abortion and the law permitting it becomes a dead
> letter law (the Dowry
> Prohibition Act , through the concerted efforts of
> all--both Christians
> and non Christians, has become a dead letter
> law....Hence please do
> understand that it is not  law which can do
> anything, but the beliefs and
> value systems of the people on which it is
> imposed....) if we can rise up
> to the challenge of convincing others that abortion
> is wrong, let's do it
> whole - heartedly and with one voice. however
> ,especially because we are
> Christians, remember that  it is wrong to impose our
> views on others ,
> even though we know are right and they are
> wrong....anyway, we can only
> say ,'where sin increases, grace abounds more...'
> we should certainly fight for our rights, but
> sometimes when such
> fighting is futile, we should be wise enough to
> realise this,stop wasting
> our time when when we reealise its futility, and
> instead direct our
> energies towards fighting on a different plane
> altogether.('the effectual
> prayer of a righteous man has great worth. elijah
> was a man lie we are;
> he prayed that ift should not rain , and it did not
> rain for three years.
> then he prayed that it should and it did rain' )
>  we know that we are the ultimate winners in
> spiritual warfare.if the
> devil can beguile the minds of the population and
> confuse them so that
> they exercise their freedom to choose evil which
> will lead to their
> death, and being the prince of the world, he has
> power over those whose
> eyes have been blinded to the gospel of Christ and
> basic common sense and
> human rights or whatever you call it, then of course
> , we have the best
> option of  attacking  the devil on a plane that he
> has been defeated long
> ago...as Christians, we have failed to realise this
> right of ours for a
> very long time, hence the devil had been granted a
> foothold for
> generations to beguile people to exercise their
> freedom to practice of
> various sins, like abortion, pornography, suicide,
> homosexuality,
> euthanasia and so on....it's just like what happened
> to Eve.God put a
> tree in the garden and said do not eat its fruit.why
> did God put the tree
> in there? why did He not guard the tree wit! h
> whatever angels with
> spinning spears or swords or whatever , so that Eve
> could not eat the
> fruit ....? why did he allow the serpent to speak to
> Eve? if He was God ,
> He could have prevented man from
> falling...understand the crux of the
> matter--that God did not prevent man from exercising
> his freedom to
> choose evil.
>  law can only try to  balance the varous interests.
> and this balance
> tends to tilt towards where the majority interests
> lie. hence the passing
> of various human rights conventions to safeguard the
> minority interests.
> i would humbly bring to your notice that so far no
> international
> convention has been passed granting rights to the
> unborn. The Convention
> on the Rights of the Child, 1989, mentions the word
> 'abortion' but grants
> no rights to the unborn child against getting
> aborted. without a
> consensus on this issue in the international level,
> i'm afraid that it
> would be too much to expect anything concerted to
> come out of our
> activities in the legal sphere out here.
> it was the fault of previous generations of
> Christians all round the
> world that human beings have been beguiled to pay
> scant respect to
> life,so,  now our task of convincing is very
> difficult, given the
> existing social practices and literature on these
> issues which are for
> and not against the the practice of human restraint
> and the voluntary
> curbing  of the freedom to choose what is considered
> to be bad according
> to general moral standards of most societies and
> religions.as mentioned,
> we have dissent with regard to the practice of
> abortion even within our 
> Christian communities itself. so, speaking on such
> issues would be
> misunderstood as religious or moral fanaticism,
> nothing else. hence,
> let's be practical, face the facts as they now stand
> , and give the devil
> a stab in the back, by showing him that we are not
> as powerless as he
> thinks we are, and that we are willing to wage
> spiritual warfare against
> his wiles and guiles.! ...any takers?
> lina
> i don't think that abortion is condemned only by
> catholics or anyother christian church. it is a
> moral
> issue which society of all origins have to deal
> with.
> not just a "christian issue".  and people, christian
> or non-christiian all have varying opinions on it.
> there are huge numbers of non-christians who are of
> the opiinion tthat it should not be allowed.  and
> many
> christians who feel that "the mother has to have the
> right to chose".
> i'm sorry i don't know much about law, to talk about
> it, but i thnk that as christians we are
> accouuntable
> for our actions as well as the actions that we
> should
> have done but we did'nt do.  The outcome of the case
> is in God's hands becase ultimately He is in
> control.
> Whatever the outcome, and however slim the chances
> that it would be in "our" favour, we should fight
> for
> what we believe is right in God's eyes.  I think. 
> and
> above all PRAY that His Will be done.with love in
> Jesus
> sheril
> --- Lina Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i am a law student doing my postgraduation in
> > Bangalore. during the past
> > few days, i happened to receive mails from other
> > friends in jy and also
> > saw in the joynet the news on the endeavour to
> scrap
> > the Medical
> > Termination of Pregnancy Act in kerala.
> >
> > please keep in mind that even though i am not a
> > Catholic(i'm Orthodox), i
> > have full respect towards the Catholic Church as
> it
> > stands today and my
> > statements are not made with a view to disparage
> any
> > organisation ,
> > institiutio! n or movement and should not be tried
> to
> > be read between the
> > lines. this is just an opinion from the legal
> > perspective, as a student
> > of human rights in the present epoch of time.
> >
> > it is my view that the point is that the presence
> of
> > such an Act gives
> > the freedom to choose to individual, which is a
> > symbol of a
> > non-restrictive society where the freedom of
> choice
> > can be freely
> > excercised. i doubt whether the Act will be
> scrapped
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