STOP YOUR MAILS orJoshua_Bah(Achayan)

I praise and thank Jesus for getting an opportunity to
interact with you.
Glory to God.
Hi JY leaders- from day one you were hunting for my
blood and scalp. Now I think you succeeded to some
extent, by knowing who I am. You did smart work to
reach me, to find out my real identity. How smart.
Credit goes to your web team or my friends in Bahrain
who did the entire spy work.
     I know you dont want me to write again, you say,
my e-mails are-Provocative, Negative, misleading and
destructive. I strongly disagree.
You tried very hard to dissuade me to stop writing, by
playing very clever tricks.
When Truth is spoken, you dont like it, I know you
have thrown out people like me before (I was warned by
one kid from the beginning). So I want to say salaam
before you cut me off from your mailing list
But hi guys, remember, if I dont, some one else will
come and speak for the truth.
Hi JY netters,
I am really happy that lot of you enjoyed my mails. I
wanted to share few more messages, but Aim warned by
your leaders (politely of course) not to write again.
You think my messages were destructive, misleading,
and negative?? May be to some extend critical, thats
all. I thought of putting all the personal mail I
received from JY heads on the net, but that will be
destructive, Lord will not forgive me, if I do so. I
did not mean to hurt or mislead anyone, but when truth
is spoken and some one gets hurt; its not my fault.
At grass root level, you are doing wonderful job. I am
sure Our Lord will reward you and your family. Keep
walking in the LIGHT OF THE LORD.

I ask the Lord for forgiveness, if I have done or
written anything against your will. 

May God bless each one of you
Love and prayers
Keep going
Your own brother in Christ.
NB-its not relevant my name, age, sex, qualifications,
or stand in the society when you work for the

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