Today we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As a young boy
I used to wonder why there was a celebration such as the Feast of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. I have asked one of the nuns about the relevance
of the Feast of Sacred Heart. She smiled and told me “yes this is very
important to celebrate the feast because Jesus loves us” and yet I
couldn’t place the relevance of the association of the symbol “Heart” to
“Love”. That was a long time back and that was me at that time. So the
Sister said “The color Red and Rose flowers stand for love”. Then the
sister told me “To feel the love, you need a heart”. I think she did a
good job with me.

 Jesus Loves me, was the lesson I learned from the whole discourse and I
started saying to myself “So Jesus has a heart”. Jesus felt much the same
way as we do. Jesus expressed his love. Jesus taught about happiness. “Happy
are the poor in Spirit” Mt. 5.3. All throughout the Gospels, Jesus
expressed his concern for the suffering people. Jesus identified himself
with the! less fortunate. Jesus healed the mother in law of Peter. “He
touched her hand and the fever left her”Mt.8.14. Jesus did many other
miracles. Jesus expelled demons, prophesied the coming destructions and
warned the people to escape such calamities. Jesus felt pain, anger,
sadness. Jesus reacted to his feelings. He didn’t hide his feelings. He
even wept in public. He calmed the sea, forgave the sinners, fed the
hungry, loved the children, prayed for the Apostles and all of us,
expressed his love to his mother and the rest of the community from the
Cross. Jesus died for us.  Jesus promised “ I will not leave you orphan
and to fulfill the promise”, Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his
disciples. He even cooked for the hungry disciples on the beach after
rising from the dead and Jesus send the Holy Spirit as he promised. Jesus
wants everyone to be saved so he ! gave the mandate “ “Go then, to all
the peoples and make them disciples and Baptize them in the Name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.. Know that I will be with
you till the end of the world” Mt.28. 19 and 20. Jesus loves us, and that
is why we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus loved
us with an unparalleled love. Jesus wants to hear that we love him. Jesus
asked Peter three times “Do you love me” John21.15 and Jesus wants us to
love him more than anyone else. Whoever loves Jesus  “will obey my
teaching. My father will love him” John14.23.  If we love Jesus, we will
become, the mother, the brothers and sisters of Jesus. Jesus is a
compassionate person. Jesus is God’s love in action that walked on the
phase of the Earth.!  

Happy Feast to you

Fr Thomas Mathew/June 7th/2002


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