My dear friends,
I would like to share a weird experience wherein God protected my friends
and me. I was in between my 7th semester Engineering exams.It was the day
of Diwali.The next day we had one University exam.My daily routine is to
get up by 6:00 in the morn and then go to the hostel Prayer room. Pray
for some time, go for breakfast and then back to room and start studying
at sharp 8:00 .I always study at my table  next to the window.In the
mornings,I normally dont  go to sit in the garden to study.Our hostel has
large area and next to the hostel compound walls there were big trees
with thick branches and foliage.My room was in third floor facing the
road. From the hostel building to the compound wall there is quite a lot
of  area .The road was also average wide and on the roadside were a few
shops and one or two small houses. That day I got up as usual.But when I
was leaving for prayercell I had a feeling to carry all my study books
along with the Bible to the prayercell.As usual I went to prayercell
,then for breakfast to mess ,then I had a feeling to go to prayercell
again. I went and prayed there for sometime  and  instead of going to
room for studies I went outside to the garden to study.I never do go out
to study.But that day I did.I had also the books with me which I had
taken to the Prayer room along with the bible.By morning sharp 8:00am
,while i was studying in the garden,I heard a loud sound and something
shattering to pieces.I thought again one of these girls would have
dropped the plates or cups .Still I was wondering how it could be so
loud.Anyway i concentrated in my studies.After an hour or so i went
slowly climbing back the stairs.One of my friends shouted ,Didnt u
hear??' I asked what. She just kept quiet. When I came up there was a
small gathering near my room and everyone was staring inside.I couldnt
believe what Isaw.My table was fully covered with glass pieces , the
window had a huge hole in it and was blackish in colour. Some of the
glass in the window was melted and in a deformed shape.There was smoke in
the room.My books,shelves were all covered with glass pieces. Also I saw
remnants of a Rocket (the firecracker variety which goes to the sky to a
large height and bursts) lying in my room.It was stuck to the bottom of
the door.The sides of the door was burnt.What happened was that being
Diwali ,small kids who were living in the houses next to the road were
bursting crackers and rockets and one rocket instead of going up ,shot
across the road and the thick trees  near the compound walls came within
the hostel compounds aimed to the third floor Room no:217 window where I
sit and study -:).It came ,hit on the window ,exploded and swished the
floor and  got stuck under the closed door of our room.  And it was sharp
8:00 that happened, the shattering sound which i heard, while i was
studying in the garden.Normally at this time I will be seated with my
books next to the window.Do u know what happened to my room mates.There
are four per room. Two of my roommates had gone outside. The third friend
had fallen asleep, while studying in her bed.When she heard this
shattering sound ,she was in such a deep sleep and got up thinking it was
a part of  a bad dream.By Gods grace no glass pieces had fallen  on
her.God saved all of us.If the rocket had landed in one of our beds and
mosquito nets it would have gone in flames.Had I been there ,rather than
dying of burns, I would have died of a cardiac arrest.Also if my room
mate had been awake she  also would have got the same. I just thank God
for making me take my books and go to the garden to study instead of 
sitting next to the window and also for protecting my roommates.I never
had the habit of going out and he made do that the same day.There was
lots of cleaning work to be done in our room and it grabbed our study
time.But still we were able to do the University exams the next day. It
was a weird incident and God protected us.


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