[This mail refers to Irma's mail; sharing of Welchy and Star Wars, the 

Dear JYs.

I would like you all to refer to two wonderful emails sent here by Irma 
Raymond on Harry Potter on 23-4-2002 and by Welchy Fatima Fernandes on 
behalf of Christopher on Reiki on 9 - 5 - 2002.

Now obviously one can gradually perceive that the basic bottomline of both 
emails is that Satan can be envisaged in different forms. But when you read 
both these emails closely u realise that the tool used by Satan is so well 

Let us refer to Irma's mail. I invite your attention to this para:
"The "Christian" leaders, however, defend them by saying that good magic 
always wins and overcomes evil magic. This is the oldest con game ever 
hatched out of hell. As a real witch, I learned about the two sides of "the 
force."  Apparently, so do many "Christian" leaders. When real witches have 
sabats and esbats and meet as a coven, they greet each other by saying 
"Blessed be", and when they part, they say "The Force be with you." Both 
sides of this "Force" are satan. It is not a good side of the force that 
overcomes the bad side of the force, but rather it's the blood of Jesus 
Christ that destroys both supposed sides of the satanic "Force."

Now let us refer to Christopher's mail. I invite your attention to this 
Reiki is a subset of a system of medicine known as Alternative therapy or 
medicines of the New Age.
What is the NAM? It is a rapidly growing movement with people who believe in 
a one world government embodying the best in all religions which will 
eventually take over the world. It encompasses Astrology, Pantheism, 
Reincarnation, Channeling(a medium thru which people long since dead 
communicate), Witchcraft and Paganism

So what is common between the two. Let us look at some of the concepts of 
NAM - The New Age Movement.
* A group of divinely born and ascended masters are in tune with the Force.
* Because of divine birth, the Force lives in the blood of each master.
* Occasionally, a new master is born equally in tune with the Force.
* The new master illustrates how others can live in harmony with the Force 
then takes his place among the ascended masters.
* Another master will come along at the right time to help us feeble humans.
In this way, New Age theology prepares the world for the coming of the False 
Prophet and the Antichrist.

Now my dear JYs I am going to ask you to recognise this phrase from Irma's 
mail which I quoted in the para above:
"The Force be with you."

Any quesses. It is the famous line from the Trilogy of Star Wars. The epic 
movie. It is supposed to be a movie for children. But then so is Harry 
Potter a book for Children rite? New Age Theology speaks of the second 
coming of a Master. Let us see some films with the same concept. They all 
show man seeking for one thing - The Chosen One. These include films like:

1. Star Wars - The Trilogy

2. Matrix

3. Terminator

and many more.

Let us take a look at Star Wars. Now why am I chosing this Movie to discuss 
here. Well glaringly this movie directly brings out use
of the words such as The force and in so many ways goes against the 
teachings of Christ. It proclaims the teachings of NAM indirectly. You can 
pass this film as just a fable. However, being one of the top grosser of all 
times, it takes realisation to know what you accepted to be a great film 
turns to out to preach so much against Jesus Christ. Here are some of the 
glaring points on the film.

* In the Star Wars saga the Savior ironically becomes Anakin Skywalker 
(Darth Vader). In The Phantom Menace Anakin is referred to as the one who 
will bring balance to the Force. The message is: the one that has always 
been perceived as evil (Darth Vader/Satanic Personality) ultimately becomes 
the savior in the end = set up for Antichrist
* Anakin (anakim, sons of Anak) were supernaturally conceived of Satan or 
demons according to Biblical and extra-biblical histories.

* As Jesus was the divinely conceived "seed of the woman," the Antichrist 
will be the "seed of the serpent," i.e. the son of Satan or demons. Anakin 
is the son of the Force.

* The Antichrist will nevertheless present himself as an enlightened world 
teacher or savior. The New Age "Law of the Avatars" claims that every new 
age begins when the Supreme Being known as "the Solar Logos," a.k.a. the god 
of Forces, overshadows a human being and imparts the Christ consciousness.

* The God of the Antichrist will be "the God of Forces" (Dan. 11:38), also 
known in antiquity as Baalhazor, the god of munitions and war and protector 
of fortresses.

* Finally, Qui-Gon Jinn's name comes from a combination of Taoism and Arabic 
mythology. In Taoism Qi-Gong combines "Qi," the energy or "force" that flows 
within and around everything, and "Gong" the method of interacting with or 
controlling the Force (learned through meditation). Jinn (or genie, plural 
Jinn) is part of Arabic mythology and consists of Ghul (treacherous spirits 
or shape-shifters), 'ifrit (evil spirits), and si'la (treacherous spirits of 
invariable form). "Jinn are beings of flame or air who are capable of 
assuming human or animal form and are said to dwell in all conceivable 
inanimate objects--stones, trees, ruins--underneath the earth, in the air, 
and in fire. They possess the bodily needs of human beings and can even be 
killed, but they are free from all physical restraints." Encyclopaedia 

* The New Age religion is one of ultimate human evolution and empowerment, 
of "becoming god." Interestingly that was the original message from the god 
of "forces" or the The Force in the Old Testament: "Ye shall be as gods."

The Star Wars films offer impressionable young minds a delicious 
introduction to New Age mysticism and paves the way for the acceptance of 

Some more facts about Star Wars:

There is a new believers group who study and preach the script of Star Wars. 
They believe it to be containing hidden messages about life in its form of 

The sound track of Star Wars is a remix of American Pie. Orignally American 
Pie sung by Don Mclean is a Satanic Song itself.

The doll of Jar Jar Binks is created with a Sexual Self Stimulant Purpose. 
However unknowingly parents give this toy to children who fall well below 
the age of 12. The parents initiate the action of giving their kids the toy. 
The rest the Satan completes.

So my Dear JYs let us be aware of what we watch. Basically we have to always 
infer what is the message we get after watching a movie or after hearing a 
song or after performing any stimulating exercise. If it goes against the 
teachings of Christ. Then it is certainly not in Christ and not from Christ. 
and we know who that can be

urs in faith

Jason R. Herbert

[Additional Source: Raiders News and Adventist Update]

Qui-Gon visits with Anakin 's mother, Shmi, and discovers that in addition 
to his unprecedented midi-chlorian count, Anakin was divinely conceived:

QUI-GON JINN : You should be proud of your son. He gives without any thought 
of reward.

SHMI : He knows nothing of greed. He has...

QUI-GON JINN : He has special powers.

SHMI : Yes...

QUI-GON JINN : He can see things before they happen. That's why he appears 
to have such quick reflexes. It is a Jedi trait.

SHMI : He deserves better than a slave's life.

QUI-GON JINN : The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. 
Who was his father?

SHMI : There was no father, that I know of...I carried him, I gave him 
birth...I can't explain what happened.

Qui-Gon thinks he knows how Anakin was divinely conceived:

QUI-GON JINN :... his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians 
I have seen in a life form. It is possible he was conceived by the 

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