The jetliners hit my heart



Help others who have all kinds of troubles2Cor1.4


There were many mails inquiring my safety and the  well-being of the
American people. I like to acknowledge the love you poured out to the
people who live in the shadow of Death.You expressed your feelings for
the American people. I think people are more expressive of their feelings
in times of disasters. I am overwhelmed at the many mails and prayers
offered at this critical situation for the people who suffer in America. 
We are rich in the mercy of God and we are given much so as to help the
others who have all kinds of troubles 2 Cor1.4. It is an amazing
experience to be loved and to receive telephone calls from the four
corners of the world during fearful times as this.


There is fear in the American people as to where to go and whom to trust.
I passed by the SFO airport and that was closed and Police cauldron the
entire area. Hundreds of jetliners are grounded. The air traffic is
completely paralyzed. I think disasters are also God given for people to
be united. It was impressive to observe people coming in hundreds of
thousands to donate blood. Many are turned away for want of blood storage
facilities. The American people are well focused today although they live
in fear and anxiety.  In Manhattan, New York where rescue workers toil
day and night, people come by the hundreds to give free food and drinks.


Another development I see in the American Television is the faces of
Clergymen. It is something I dont see often on American Television. 
People are filling the Churches. More prayers are requested over the
phone, TV and in person. I understand people are getting closer to their
God regardless of the religious differences.  People are showing their
religiosity. I was watching how the people came to the Church and started
lighting candles to make themselves aware of the Divine presence among


Last evening I saw a couple at the Church who seemed strangers. This
young couple from their behavior displayed that either of them were not
to the churches recently. The handsome and the beautiful walked into the
church, and they went to the statue of Mother Mary and lighted few
candles. It is not common to see people light so many candles. 


As this couple walked out of the church I exchanged pleasantries with
them and they mentioned that they havent been to any church for a long
period of time. They both did shy away from any church function because
of their life style.   The young man is a Christian and the beautiful
lady is a non-practicing Catholic. They said that they dont believe in
any organized religion. But as we kept talking the woman who is in her
early twenties mentioned,  I think the main reason I shy away from
Churches is that I am sinful. Although they never expected to see a
priest this day they signified their interest to talk and we moved to a
place near by and I listened to them.


They are not married and they dont intend to do that either. They just
want to be friends. The young lady

by the name Jennifer and her friend David ( not the real names) had
shocking things to share.


Jennifer is a New Yorker, settled in San Francisco. She  is away from God
and Religious practices and lived a free life style. David and Jennifer
thought of coming to the Church this day because they had an agenda. 
Jennifer wants to pray for someone.


Jennifer had a cousin and they were very close and her cousin worked in
one of the towers of the World Trade Center. The tower collapsed and
Jennifer has no word about her cousin. She never thought of praying but
today she thinks that she needs a change in her life.

Jennifer doesnt know how to pray and the only thing she knows is to make
a quick sign of the cross.


 Yesterday as she watched the twin towers collapse, Jennifer was hit hard
. She said to me It is as though the jetliners hit my heart.  Her
cousin also was away from God but last year she went for a retreat and
ever since her cousin was after Jennifer to renew her life in Jesus.
Jennifer laughed at that idea.  She said to her cousin  I am happy as I
am. I might think about God when I get older. But God hit her this time
earlier than she thought. She feels as though she is older now.

  God made me older, Jennifer said.

My God touched me before I ever wanted. Jennifer could only shed tears. 
David too joined her. 


She is watching me from Heaven. God took her away to change me. 
Jennifer cried.

 I had very few words to console them.  I held their hands and said a
prayer of praise and thanksgiving.  Then I recited psalm 23  The Lord is
my shepherd .

When I recited  Even if I go through the deepest darkness I will not be
afraid Lord for you are there with me Psalm 23.4 , Jennifer tightened
her grip and more tears were shed.


I gave her a hug and she said to me  Father, this is the most precious
moment in my life. My God touched me.

I love my cousin. Please say a prayer for her and they left. When I saw
them drive away  Jennifers words resonated in me  My God touched me.
She was able to say MY God. This tells me how she feels the love of God
in her. I pulled the Rosary from my pocket and kissed the crucifix and
said  MY God loves Jennifer


I praised God and was reminded of St Pauls teaching   Let us give
thanks to God and father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Father,
the God from whom all help comes. He helps us in all our troubles so that
we are able to Help others who have all kinds of troubles2Cor1.4



Miracles happen in our lives. God touched Jennifer mysteriously.  Please
Keep Jennifer and her cousin in your prayers. May the soul of her cousin
and many others perished in the downing of the twin towers at Manhattan,
New York Rest in peace. 

I like to thank you for your intercessory prayers. Many mails I receive
daily from Jesus youth assuring me of their prayers and miracles happen
through those intercessory prayers.  I think we need to pray so that a
possible war would be averted. I offer this country, its allies and the
possible enemies of this nation into the Heart Jesus


God Bless

Fr.Thomas Mathew


Sept 12/2001


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